Welcome to Friends of Downs Park
Friends of Downs Park is a nonprofit organization committed to improving the quality of life in Pasadena, Maryland. Our organization is focused on engaging individuals, families, and local businesses to support our community to offer family events in our area. We strive to provide the entertainment and events needed to offer a safe family friendly community here in Pasadena.
What We Do
Youth Happenings
Friends of Downs Park offers a variety of free or low-cost events that provide meaningful activities, family fun, and community support for young people in Pasadena.
Family Entertainment
We offer family entertainment events in hopes of providing our local community things to do with their families promoting healthy relationships and support new family traditions.
Community Events
Annually, we host a Family Day event with tons of local vendors, activities for the whole family, food trucks, and live music on our main stage. This event is the kickoff to our summer concert series.