Concept Note

To say we are living in the “worst of times”, in “the season of Darkness” may sound hackneyed but it is undeniable in the wake of the pandemic. This unprecedented phenomenon has changed lives over the last year. Without any exception, navigating through unchartered waters has been overwhelmingly challenging for everyone. This insidious virus has been taking lives, disrupting sustenance and changing the very essence of human existence and experience.

Towards the latter half of the last year though, the impact seemed to start dwindling but just as there was a ray of hope, it lashed back with the second wave- deadlier and more atrocious- only to proclaim that it will be a while, before it is gone, leaving people to cope with the rapid and indefinite changes of unexampled amounts of family time, remote working and homeschooling. But as history stands witness, the human race has always been very enterprising in finding novel perspectives in the most critical of times; almost naturally, ways and means of adapting to the new normal have started to come by.

Populace across cultures has started gearing up to stand strong in the face of this clingy virus but this fight needs more nerves of steel than is apparent. Physiological and mental well being thus become the key infantry to take down this colossal miscreate. Staying positive is the only way to deflect all the uncertainty this Frankenstein brings with it.

This webinar, therefore, endeavours to focus on embarking on a journey towards positivity- from the ambiguity of the night into the clarity of the day with strength in mind and body.

Maintaining physiological well being during these trying times is exceedingly difficult. With economy taking the hardest hit, lifestyles and routines have been disrupted. The ceaseless news coverage with teeming data makes it nearly impossible to focus on a healthy lifestyle regime.

Also, concerns over mental health are skyrocketing among millenials, throwing life and living off balance and it is clearly no rocket science to comprehend, how the cycle of stress, anxiety and depression has started to take root, as a result of this pandemic. Oscillation between coping, struggling, surviving and losing it has almost become like a continuum. Experiences of these Covid times compound the risk factor and there is no ready to use vial of vaccine or immunity boosting syrup to stay protected.

Thus, eminent keynoters shall deliberate on coping mechanisms and the importance of staying motivated in mind and body during the covid era.

Since the topic of the webinar focuses on a march towards positivity, a special section on the need for developing employability skills for the youth has also, very thoughtfully, been incorporated.

This webinar, therefore, endeavours to trigger a change in perspective by initiating a positive and resolute advance into the future, which, is only indicative of the belief that there is light at the end of the tunnel.


Dr. Suddhasatwya Chatterjee

Senior Physician, Dept of Internal Medicine and Rheumatology, Apollo Gleaneagles Hospitals Limited Kolkata.

Topic: Physiological Well Being During Covid Era

Ms. Chaitali Das

Internationally Acclaimed Social Entrepreneur, Jute Revivalist

Topic: Stress Management and Emotional Well Being During the Pandemic

MR. Bikram Kumar Das

State Engagement Officer, National Skill Development Corporation (NSDC)

TOPIC: Skill Development and Economic Independence



Webinar platform: Google Meet

  • No registration fee.

  • Registration is restricted to 100 participants.

  • Invitation open to students of Department of Commerce (Afternoon Section) and faculty members of Department of Commerce (Afternoon and Evening Section).

  • All participants will get e-certificates by filling in the feedback form.

QR code for registration


Prof. Saspo Chakraborty

Chief Advisor

HOD, Department of Commerce

(Afternoon & Evening Section)

Dr. Joyeta Bhadury


Faculty, Department of Commerce

(Afternoon & Evening Section)

Prof. Atreyee Ganguly

Organising Secretary

Faculty, Department of Commerce

(Afternoon & Evening Section)

Prof. Debdutta Sen

Faculty, Department of Commerce

(Afternoon & Evening Section)

Prof. Dipankar Bhattacharya

Faculty, Department of Commerce

(Afternoon & Evening Section)

Prof. Arundhati Mazumder

Faculty, Department of Commerce

(Afternoon & Evening Section)

Prof. Saikat Nandy

Faculty, Department of Commerce

(Afternoon & Evening Section)

Prof. Michael Rony Mullick

Faculty, Department of Commerce

(Afternoon & Evening Section)

Prof. Ria Saha

Faculty, Department of Commerce

(Afternoon & Evening Section)


Prof. Gargi Guha Niyogi

Faculty, Department of Commerce

(Afternoon & Evening Section)

Prof. Nandini Dey

Faculty, Department of Commerce

(Afternoon & Evening Section)