
Trends and Predictions for AI in Education

Hands-on exploration of AI tools

Implementing AI in the classroom: challenges and best practices
Vinnie Vrotny, The Kinkaid School

Panel discussion: Exploring big ideas: academic integrity, curriculum, assessment, & pedagogy in the age of AI

Alignment Problem (AI-Human Goals), Bias and Transparency, Modern Methods, Takeaways for Schools
Jim Bolgona and Austin Totty, Windward School

Tabletop discussions and hands-on activity

Create your action plan


Designing an AI-powered lesson plan:

Participants could work in groups to brainstorm and design a lesson plan that incorporates AI technology in a meaningful way. This activity could challenge them to think creatively about how AI can be used to enhance different subject areas, foster critical thinking, and promote collaboration among students.

Review and revise academic integrity policies and practices: As part of the workshop, participants could work together to develop policies and practices that promote academic integrity when using AI in the classroom. This could involve discussing different scenarios where cheating or plagiarism might be a concern, and brainstorming ways to address these issues while still leveraging the power of AI to support learning.

Exploring AI applications in different subject areas: In this activity, participants could be given the opportunity to explore how AI is being used in different subject areas, such as science, math, and language arts. They could discuss the potential benefits and challenges of using AI in each subject area, and brainstorm ways to incorporate AI into their own curriculum.

AI tool exploration: Participants can explore AI tools and platforms, such as chatbots or machine learning platforms, and experiment with how they can be used in the classroom.

Create an AI-proof course/syllabus

Focusing on course design

Support and coach

How to design an AI-proof course

Curriculum and assessment

AI + Machine Learning

Colab to teach AI/ML - for more advanced high school CS students

Resources to explore: draft documents from ATLIS AI taskforce

Creating your action plan

ATLIS AI Resources

AI Summit.pptx

AI Summit Slidedeck

Infographic, 5 ways to use AI, vocabulary

ATLIS customizable training slidedeck

ATLIS and NAIS: AI E-book for School Leaders

NAIS New View Edu Podcast

The hottest conversation in education right now revolves around ChatGPT. What is it, how is it being used, and what does it mean for our traditional systems of teaching and learning? Season 4 of New View EDU begins with a discussion about the rapid evolution of artificial Intelligence and the impact ChatGPT and other AI innovations will have on the future of schools.

Host Tim Fish sits down with educational innovators Christina Lewellen, of ATLIS, and Paul Turnbull, head of school at Mid-Pacific Institute, to dig deep into what ChatGPT means for schools.