Open Evening 2020


Chantry Opening Evening

Year 5 at Chantry: what to expect!

Starting middle school is a big deal! You’ll be joining a much bigger school, getting to know lots of different children and teachers, wearing a new uniform and being given a lot more responsibility. All of this is very exciting but can also feel a little bit daunting.

At Chantry, we want your first day and first year with us to be school days you remember forever. Therefore, we put lots of effort into making your transition from first to middle school as smooth as possible and make sure we plan a school year full of engaging learning and a wide range of exciting activities.

Before September, we will:

  • invite you in to school for ‘transition day’ before the summer holidays where you will meet your new form teacher and classmates, find out which house you will be in and get to know the school a bit better through a range of fun activities

  • meet with your first school teachers to make sure we know about things that are really important to you

During our first term, you will:

  • spend time ‘off-timetable’ in the first week to get to know each other better and for you to get to know the school better

  • host a Macmillan Coffee Morning where your parents and carers will be able to come into school and see you

  • take part in team-building days to develop a range of different skills and solve problems with your classmates

  • visit St Mary’s Church for a Christingle Service

Throughout the rest of the year, you will:

  • attend lessons in a range of specialist classrooms such as the Food Technology Room, Science Labs, The Library and the 3G pitch

  • enjoy competing for your house in a range of sporting events throughout the year

  • host the Annual Christmas Fair and enter into the Easter Extravaganza

  • dress up for World Book Day and Christmas Dinner Day

  • have the opportunity to attend a whole range of different clubs before during and after school

  • take part in fun and exciting workshops delivered by Northumbria University and Kielder Observatory

  • visit the Centre for Life as part of British Science Week

  • be given the chance to take part in our residential visit to Hawkhirst in Kielder Forest

Lots to look forward to, we’re sure you agree!

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NE61 1RQ
01670 512874