Paryavaran Welfare Society

Join hands to save Mother Nature



In the ongoing era, our fragile earth needs acute attention for its prevalence. Paryavaran Welfare Society endures to maintain the biodiversity and conserve energy recourses. Continuous depletion and decline in water level is posing threat to living creatures. Reducing area under vegetation cover is responsible for various environmental hazards like global warming, floods, soil erosion etc.Energy resources available are very limited, encourage a demand for their very rational use in a very efficient manner to get maximum output. Poverty devoid the medical aid, for the sake of mankind we make efforts to furnish it, being secular. Paryavaran welfare society emphasizes on all the major issues concerned with environmental and social degradation.

Together we make the road to success. With your collaboration we will be able to cover the milestones aimed. Yours participation is welcome.


A blend of multidisciplinary domains brought together to make Earth more livable. While others are still are still scuffling with technology for space excavations or to leverage the "status" of the planet while not bothering much about its quality. We along with that are doing our little bits to make it more habitable, to increase awareness, to bring it to habit before we become helpless. If you're a techie, why not support Green-tech; if you're an entrepreneur, why not include Environment amongst the verticals you cater to; if you're an influencer, why not switch to zero-waste or Environment friendly lifestyle...It's not about who you are or what are you interested in, it's about being a little more aware, doing a little extra, because every bit counts. It all starts from us, it all starts from today, and together, we can make a difference!

Plastic free Diwali Celebrations

Let's celebrate this Diwali green and enjoy this festive of lights without harming the nature. #greendiwali #NoPlastic

Lighting pollution free lanterns

A glimpse of environment friendly decoration

Recreational activities for students

Virtual International Round Table Conference

To live tomorrow, let's heal together today.Going by the saying, Paryawaran welfare society invites you to be a part of our event "ENVIROTHON" under the umbrella of which we will be providing a Platform for deliberations to explore Best Practices on Restoration of the Earth and rove through the inter-linkages between global environmental challenges, human activities, and sustainable development...In our "Virtual International Round Table Conference", which is going to held on July 26th, 2020, we will address the prevailing environmental problems and strive to discover some solutions using our domain of practice.We have embraced some distinctive personalities onboard to enlighten us on various environmental aspects where we have assured participation of various elite Institutes from all over the world.

One of the biggest inter-college events in Thapar with participants from six different countries

About 18 elite Institutes from India and abroad participated, along with various partner organizations

A glimpse of what the event was like...


Paryavaran Welfare Society in collabaration with School of Energy & Environment conducted Econigma The aim of the event was to increase awareness among students about environment. Participants were given task to present innovative ideas on some relevent environmental problems like solid waste management, e-waste management, soil and ground water contamination etc. Total 12 teams participated in the event. The participants came out with some wonderful solutions. Feedback from the participants was outstanding.

Outlook of a activity for the Event

Teamwork which makes the dream work

Foretaste to increase awareness among students

Plantation Drive

Paryavaran Welfare Society successfully conducted the biggest plantation drive in Thapar(550 saplings) with the help of Horticulture Dept. and Round Glass foundation.
We thank all the volunteers who were present in this noble initiative.Hope the way we all enthusiastically planted the trees in the same way we will take their care too.

A step towards plantation by the team

Go Green To Breathe Clean

The key to a greener planet is in our hands

City cleaning drives

PWS along with different organizations successfully conducted cleaning drives in various part of city as well as in TIET campus with the motive to make these areas plastic free.

To Create Impact and Social Change

A Glance of Creativity that takes Courage

A way towards Pollution control check

Earth Day

It is not development if we are not together it that. An event involving young minds, bursting with creativity, showcasing their ideas for a better tomorrow.

Young Girl depicting the current alarming state of affairs using her creativity

Young school lad expressing his views on the same

Students, Teachers, Parents, all involved... Since we can't address to a problem if we don't have all the perspectives...

Pollution Check Campaign

A set-up by pollution control board in collaboration with PWS, within the campus

Students and the Pollution check employees recording the data

Vehicles being tested for pollution

Bird Nest Installation

They gave away their homes to help us make ours. It's just a very small payback.

Yes, we are all in this together

Member of the supporting staff while installing the nest.

Have you done your small bit?