LEAD Society

About Us

LEAD (Learn. Emerge. Aspire. Discover) is a society which aspires to turn fad into passion into adroitness. 

The journey of LEAD in TIET started 8 years ago with an idea of converting the spark in students into a flame that shines like the sun. Since then the journey has not been easy but like true leaders, we faced all odds and overcame all of them. 

LEAD sprang out from SCIMATICS, which as its name suggests was a consolidation of SCIENCE and MATHEMATICS, to set a new benchmarks for cognition in different technological (TECHSCMATIC) fields like coding, app development, web development, robotics, etc.

Other than techfests, mind blogging events, workshops, innovative projects, the specification which is particular to LEAD is our "mentor-learner" program which not just provides you a portal to the world you want to explore but also helps you to transplant ideas in each others' minds which springs up as wonders for the whole team and will help us. 

LEAD is a faction of vibrant students with colossal and dextrous in various fields. The team works hand in hand by investing one's deftness to add to others' proficiency by organising various workshops.


Dr. Jainy Sachdeva

Assistant Professor, EIED

Executive Board 2023-24

Finance Secretary

Dhruv Bobal


General Secretary

Manas Mishra


Joint Secretary

Achintya Agrawal


Technical Head

Nalin Singhal


Event management Head

Samarth Anand


Event management Head

Ayushi Verma


Designing Head

Muskan Garg


Content Head
Arshya Garg


Marketing Head
Shaily Mandal


Logistics Head
Akshi Dashottar


Media and PR Head
Pia Gupta


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