Hillary Outdoors Tongariro 2022

Group 1

Lucas Bailey, Matti Longbottom, Frida Besier, Niamh Shanahan, Luka den Breems, Elliot Gulik, Ryan Corner, Manu Fabres, Harry Figgins, Hayden Hoyt

Day 1

Rock Climbing

Rock Climbing: we started the morning to an early start, as we were on breakfast duty at 6:30. We made our way to the resource center and got ready to rock climb!! It took a 30-minute drive up the mountain of rupaehu. From there, we walked another 30 minutes to the rock wall. We had a quick lunch break as our instructor Mikayla set up the climbing equipment for us. We were taught how to tie ourselves onto the rope so we could enjoy a safe climb. The walls were all unique which allowed us to have a variety in the difficulty of our climbs. After challenging ourselves for 3-4 hours, we began to make our way back down to head to our next activity.

Waterfall Jumping

All prepared and ready we made it to the waterfall. The waterfall was a stunning 7 meters high and it was an impressive jump to make. We all practiced our jumping skills with our life jackets and shoes on. We did this on a smaller cliff so we were able to get used to the cold-water temperature and to make sure we had a safe way of jumping off the cliff. Once everyone had done this, we made our way up to the top cliff. Looking down to the water below, the feeling was exhilarating as we prepared to launch ourselves off.

By Frida and Niamh

Day 2

Today we started off the day by doing some warm up group activities. These consisted of passing a ball throughout the whole group as fast as possible and trying to find new strategies to improve our time, out time decreased by around 6 seconds and ended at 1.08 seconds. We then moved on to another group activity trying fit the whole group onto some tyres via a rope swing. We had to cooperate to figure out who should go where. We then moved on to a small hike with other small group activities on the way. We reached the destination of a tricky challenge. We had 3 boards and some poles in the ground to get the whole team across the swamp below. We were forced to communicate with everyone and it looks lots of working out and consulting which each other. Our final time was around 1 hour which our instructor said was good. We ended the day by making our way through a tree tops obstacle course and even swinging off of a 20 metre high swing! Overall this day taught us how grave team work is between teams and how communication is one of the most vital source of basic teamwork skills you should have in your arsenal.

Hayden Hoyt and Manu Fabres

Day 3

Group 1 setting off on their overnight caving based expedition - good luck!

Overnight Expedition

To start off our overnight expedition we drove to lake te whaiau. Once we arrived, we started unloading the canoes, getting them setup and in the lake. We canoed to an island in the lake and ate our lunch there. After some sandwiches and apples, we got back into our canoed across the lake to a canal, at the end of the canal we met the group who were taking our canoes back. We then started our hike. It started off with a road and then it got bad. We had to bush whack through blackberries, cutty grass and thorns for ages. We had tight bush track for even longer. We then passed a camp ground where another group was already setup. At this point our group was lacking motivation. We realized that we had a long hike ahead and other groups were already setup, eating and swimming. We powered through the next hill and then we really lost motivation. Constant breaks slowed us down and then something interesting happened. Elliot had received a tempting offer from Matti. Matti would carry Elliot’s pack in return for Elliot giving Matti an extra burrito and the rest of his chocolate bar. After a long hard think Elliot accepted the offer. The rest of the hike has a blurred tired time as we were completely exhausted. The rest of the day was blur of burritos, marshmallows and the river. Once we were in bed, we thought the day was over, how wrong we were. The content of happened next is completely classified and will only be discussed by the members of group one. Over Five hours of hearty yarns and then one of the worst sleeps of our lives if it wasn’t for the location. A cave. We slept in a cave. As it got darker the glowworms were revealed. Hundreds of sparkling glowworms illuminating the cavernous cave surrounded us. Despite waking up multiple times during our slumber, we awoke to a beautiful sunrise view and swaths of pine trees. This gave us all the energy we needed to complete our 2 hours walk to the caves in the morning. We had learnt a valuable lesson about adversity towards the start of the week and as such we were prepared to encounter anything. Most of us had slight doubts about entering the narrow cave but we pushed through and managed to conquer the caves. After the first cave, most of our team weren’t keen for the second one due to the fatigue caused by the first cave. Harry, Ryan, Niamh, Frieda, and Elliot went into the second one because it was short. We wrapped up the day with a van ride back and finished our expedition with a smile on our faces.

Harry Figgins, Ryan Corner and Luka den Breems

Group 2

Riley Scott, Stevie Hall, Leon Barrett, Ben Davidson, Raiha, Jeory Reynolds, Piper Lodge, Oliver Yueng, Joe Ohlsson, Thomas Green, Chloe Pezaro

Day 1

Ready to start the adventure!

Hiking to the Abseiling/Rock Climbing area of Mt Ruapehu

Once upon a time in a land far, far away, on the 23rd of January 2023, a daring group of young teenagers (aka; group 2), ventured deep into the rocky alps of Mt Ruapehu. On these journeys they hiked along the ridges of the mountain and scaled down enormous cliff faces in search of THE ROCK. Although THE ROCK was found, they were not allowed to push THE ROCK down the treacherous slopes because of the smelly trolls. At the bottom of mammoth cliff faces, the group looked over the magnificent, marvellous views. The beautiful landscapes of Mt Ruapehu were like nothing they had seen in their life before. Ben offered the magical landscapes with a gift of a soggy sandwich. Legend has it, it’s still there till this day. With the hunger quenched after a gourmet 5-star lunch of sammies, they began their quest back home. On their way home, they were faced with the cliffy rock faces which they bravely climbed. They trekked down the mountains to their van which they drove to the hidden Tawhai falls. The brave leaders, Ben, and Leon jumped first the second time into the ice-cold crystal-clear waters. They had to ensure they swam against the under current from the falling waterfall to return safely to land. Group 2 made it home after the monstrous day and lived happily ever after.


Ben Davidson and Leon Barrett

The views Ben/Leon were talking about!

Groups 2/3 getting ready to climb

Riley about to descend

Raiha making it look easy!

Day 2

Raiha on taking on the broken bridge

Leon making the leap of faith

Raiha free-falling

Once upon a time, on the 24th on January the brave cheeky monkeys went to find their next adventure. They tested the waters on the ground breaking heights of the high ropes. Firstly, the troop split up to conquer the quests of three different obstacles. As monkeys, it was a breeze. Flying high, screaming loud (Ben), hearts racing – those were the emotions expressed by the monkeys. Nothing prepared them for what was coming their way though. Ahead of them stood towering poles as high as Sky Tower, the monkeys new then and there that was one goal that they were going to accomplish today. Scared for their lives the monkey climb the weaving tree trunk going higher and higher, as they approached the top they got ready to leap onto the swinging vine from meters away. Taking turns, they each flew onto the vine and slowly dropped to the floor. Their next task was the devious stunt, in which they must scamper up a mountain side to the top and then must suspend themselves over a valley where they could fall to their deaths. But luckily for them the vives caught them and swing to safety. Riley took one the troop and went first to make sure the vine was safe to swing on. As they landed they knew that this was their new happy place. They lived happily ever after, THE END!

Raiha Jeory Reynolds and Riley Scott

Ben taking on the snake ladder

Thomas about to take flight

Piper splitting the difference

Day 3

Group 2 setting off on their overnight canoe/bush-bash based expedition - good luck!

Overnight Expedition

Uno after a long hike to camp

Ben and Joe cooking dinner

Chloe and Piper canoeing home

Day 3:

Thrice and thorth upon a time, the brave members of group 2 adventured out once again, this time in search of the mystical healing lake of Te Whaiau. They began by packing their gear into their monstrous hiking bags to set out for the overnight mission ahead. It started with a lengthy hike of 10km through nasty terrain. During this expedition, their navigator (Joe Olsen) lead them off track sending deep into the woods. After many, many minutes of painful trekking, they made it to their campsite but there was still one obstacles that stood in their path. THE CLIFF OF DOOM. With the assistance of big Phil, the group scaled down the cliff one by one supported by a piece of twine, lead by the brave Ben Davidson. They made it to the safety of the campsite where they will settle down and set up camp for the night to be well rested for the journey the following day. Here they would not have any facilities meaning any number 1s or 2s would have to be done in the wild. After setting up their protection for the downpour during the night, they cooked some treats over the open fire. Leon Barrett risked his life and held the pot of goods over the fire to make sure the group would eat that night. The group split up as half of them went in search of the stream of life. Whilst trampling though the bush the group stumble upon the magical ankle deep stream of life until the storm struck. They were forced to retreat to their shelter in which the stay for the night in soggy and drenched yoga mats and sleeping bags. They fell asleep. zzzzz

Day 4

The group arose early as the sun rise above the horizon. They’re belongings - soaked - but their moods still bright, ready for the tough day to come. They indulged in cornflakes and baby milk to fuel themselves. Afterwards they packed up camp back into their bags and began the rest of their journey through the gorse to the lake of healing. After a lengthy walk on land they made they were stopped in their path by a raging river. Phil took charge and ensured all members of the group made it safely across the ice cold waters. After many many many more minutes of walking, they finally made it to the river. They were met there with waiting canoes all ready for them to go. They set out their mission across the lake and met by rampaging rapids. Joe and Riley managed to barely stay afloat as they fought the gods of the river which put they under, filling their canoe up with water along with all their gear. A long paddle followed until the group finally made it back to home base after their excursion safe and sound. This would be their second to last adventure as the head to the caves of death. This time we don’t know if they will live to tell the story. THE END.

Ben Davidson and Leon Barrett

Group 3

Ollie Burton, Ben Mansell, Toby Foster, Grayson Walker, Victor Peters-Davidson, Adam Nicholls, Brodie Webb, Halena Kearns, Leon Dromer, Audrey Melhuish

Day 1

Rock Climbing

To start the day off we travelled in the van to Mt. Ruapehu. Once we got there we walked around 30 mins to our rock climbing spot. From here we learned all the nooks and crannies about how to tie the knots and stay safe while climbing the cliff face. We had 3 climbing spots set up and rotated between the 3 for about 2 hours of rock climbing. This challenged us both mentally and physically and pushed us out of our comfort zones.


After finishing our rock climbing and having a feed we moved up the cliff to start our abseiling. Everyone gave it a go, once again pushing us out of our comfort zone.


Once we departed the mountain we ventured to the waterfall. From here we did a small jump to get used to the cold water with shoes on as it was very slippery. After getting used to the water we were allowed to head to the top of the waterfall to have our jump which was rather high. Everyone got their jumps done efficiently as the water was chilly as. This was a fun and exciting way to round off a good first day of camp and has got us eager for our days to come.

Day 2

Team Challenges

Today, we began with team challenges. We had activities ranging from blindfolded tent set up, to untying ropes with our hands frozen in place. Next, we travelled to the high ropes. Our group decided to take on the Giant’s Ladder. This required everybody in our group to give full participation to assist 3 climbers up a physically challenging ladder.

After a team vote we decided to take to the bush using a compass and a map to navigate ourselves through the over grown wilderness. After a few cuts, scrapes, and falls, we arrived at the flying fox. We buckled our harnesses and ziplined 40 meters high over a raging river inside a grand gorge.

Flying Fox

Once again, the flying fox was no exception to team work because everybody had a role whether it was spotting cars or pulling people back to land. From there we ascended the excruciating amount of stairs back to camp. Everybody was challenged physically and mentally, but overall it was an incredible day.

Written by Brodie, Audrey, and Halena

Day 3

Group 3 setting off on their overnight canoe/caving based expedition - good luck!

Overnight Expedition

Wednesday, the meanest breakfast ever, it felt the closest to McDonald's hot cakes the only closest thing to home. We left the camp with heavy packs that we would come to hate later on. We hiked for hours through a faint trail in the bush, getting cut up by blackberries, gorse and a weird kind of spiky grass that no one knows the name of. The 'best' part of the two and a half hour walk was when we got to walk through the river and have soggy shoes for the rest of the walk towards the canoes. Once we had reached the river which is where we would pick up the canoes, we took a break eating sandwiches and dingle biscuits (oat,raisin,seed biscuit). Once we had gotten the canoes from group 2 we started our adventure towards the island, but we forgot the water jerry we had to go back and then it actually started. We set off on an epic 2 hour paddle (that should have taken 20 minutes) battling the dragonflies that persistently followed us around. Toby Foster racked up 20 kills over the course of our journey making him the hero of that adventure. Finally, we decided to go to the island we were staying on to set up our tents. Later on at night we started to crack into the burrito which took around 30 minutes to make. After that we decided to have some gooey hot smores. We went to bed which took awhile due to the cold wind and the rain and the fact that everyone was trying to hold on to the burritos because we didn't want to poo in a bag. Thankfully, we all made it through the night with the only danger being Victor's snoring.

In the morning we got up and had some cornflakes with fruit salad and milk that we made in a pot using powder and water. We then started packing up the tent and our bags to get ready for the long day ahead. we put all our packs in the canoes and headed off towards the ramp which had a van that we got in to go back base which is when we chucked all our packs in the resource center and got a jacket and a helmet to get ready for our caving adventure. We had reached the caves. We stared down into the gaping mouth before us and set off with our headlights shining bright. As we got deeper and deeper into the cave we started to see all sorts of things: giant wetas, glow worms and spiders as big as our faces (probably). We bravely walked past the wetas, admired the glow worms and Toby the bug killer saved us all from the spiders. After two and a half hours of tight squeezes, wet shoes and creepy crawlies we emerged into the bright light at the end of the tunnel (literally and figuratively). We all sat down, exhausted and started eating our delicious sandwiches. We then all got ready for our final adventure together and put on many warm layers. We walked down to the last cave (after taking the wrong path at first) and started walking through the narrow cave. As we got further and further in, the water got deeper and deeper until all the boys were screaming and shouting some words that will not be repeated. Finally, after an especially tight squeeze through a gap nearly completely full of water, we came out of the cave near where we had started. We all walked up to the van and got into some dry clothes. For the bumpy ride back along a gravel road, we all sang songs together, possibly deafening our guide Matt with both our volume and our 'amazing' singing. At the end of our long adventures we got back to camp and had an amazing shower.

Leon Dromer and Victor Peters-Davidson

Group 4

Leo Wilson, Alexandre Berrux, Jude Leonard, Claudia Pearce, Zoe Evans, Elliot Irving, Josh Poppelwell, Carmen Selby, Leonardo Bacchus, George Glass

Day 1

The bush was a luscious green with the sky in the horizon. The flying fox revealed its magnificent vegetation below with the deep dark mysterious river (the source of life). We crossed the torrent of H2O. The brave then decide to swim in the mountains source of vegetation not knowing what is beneath.


Day 2

Today we began are endeavor by catching the van to the Okupata caves where we ventured down a steep, spiky trail where the bush opened up to a view of the beautiful fresh water steam, which looked as see through as glass. We then started exploring the deep, dark caves which beheld a variety of mysteries to be discovered. Our first challenge was getting to the glowworm caves which fascinated many of us.

We then moved on to a more difficult challenge as we ventured through more tight squeezes that led to larger openings which contained the frightening wetas. We then showed off our independence as we had to escape the caves on our own. We then took a short stroll to the Pukehinau caves which obtained the hardest challenge yet involving three inches of air space through a fast-flowing underground stream.

This triggered many claustrophobic fears which were further then conquered. To conclude this was an incredibly productive and exciting day that was filled with many different fear factors.

Written by Jude and George

Day 3

Group 4 setting off on their overnight river based expedition - good luck!

Overnight Expedition

We started the day by getting ready with the needed equipment. We then made our way to the canoes via van. We then conoed for a whiole before we had a pit stop for some sandwhiches while flouting on the water. While canoeing dragonflies where all around us which was cool but frustrating when they wouldn’’t leave. We then arrived to our camp ground set our tents up. After setting up camp we took the canooes and went to jump off the bridge. It was very cold but exctiting. After getting back to camp after a chill canoe ride some of us decided to play cards while others where talking or hanging out. Around our camp grounds where horses which we took photos of and also got to pet. After finding out we lost the cooker we had to do a thourough search through our bags. We then found out we didn’t have it and had to get another one which took a while. The next day it was found that Elliot and Leo had left it in their canoe. We then ate burriotos after our group members kindly offered to make the food. To end the night, we played lots of card games and played the im going shopping game and then went to bed. In the morning we walked over to the canoes and canoed to where we would start our hike. The hike was long and hot but we felt fufiled by the end of the walk. We walked through the bushes and sometimes the freezing cold water puddles. Finally after a long day we got back to camp.

Carmen Selby and Zoe Evans

Group 5

Kobe Gibson, Freida Jewell, Ava McCrory, Eden Johnson, Luke Allen, Wil Fleming, Archer Gray, George Read, Sam Bradley

Day 1

On today’s adventure we concurred our fears. Boom boom boooooooooomm! In the morning we gathered with our group to connect further on a deeper level and gain THE ultimate trust. We played games like the airplane game where you are blindfolded and swung around. It’s kind of hard to explain but it worked. It was terrifying having people swing us around it made us very dizzy. After earning trust, we wondered over to the massive death trap. There was lines and ropes connected onto pieces of wood everywhere. It was a very hectic course. The cause was called high ropes which met its name. The first part of the course was just a giant pole. When we climbed up to the top it was so wobbly and if we fell off, we are relying on 6 people of our group to not let us fall to our deaths. But once reaching the top we had to jump off and try and grab on to the trapeze. Oh my gosh it was terrifying. It was so hard to grab onto, and quite far away but only a couple people where close to catching the trapeze. If you think that sounds terrifying listen to this. We had to rock climb up a 20meter wall but that isn’t it. To get down we had to jump off. Don't worry we were connected to a VERY strong rope that swung us like a swing once jumping. It was terrifying when up there but once you jump it’s the most fun thing ever. It was an EXTREME Adrenaline rush the minute you jumped off.

By Ava and Freida

Day 2

Adventure Day #2 was a BLAST! We started off on the most treacherous road in New Zealand (that’s a joke) with our instructor who thought he was the Stig (also a joke it is very safe). We dismounted our ride and ploughed head first into the bush. We bush whacked and whacked, learnt about plants, bush whacked and bush whacked. We eventually arrived at the Limestone Cave entrance. To our dismay another group had followed the track and it took about 5 minutes instead of a few years. We entered the mouth of the cave after downing some sandwiches. After spending a while in the deep dark depths of the earth we decided that it was too easy and we needed a real challenge. Josh (our instructor) led us through a route with many squeezes and tight spaces. After plenty of wiggling and mixed instructions from our peers we all made it through. The last one was the world famous Corkscrew which was very tricky but we all made it through, like true caving veterans. We were officially qualified for cave paint! After making our way out of the cave we looked for our next challenge, the waterfall. After arriving at our destination we geared up and head down to the waterfall. We took the long plunge and jumped off. It was incredibly cold but so much fun at the same time. We were ready to knock off after this incredible day!

Sam Bradley and Wil Fleming

Day 3

Group 5 setting off on their overnight climbing/mountain based expedition - good luck!

Overnight Expedition

Greetings mother and father dearest,

Yesterday we went rock climbing and it was a blast. There were three different climbing courses that went from easy to hard, I climbed all three courses although some other people didn’t get all of them because they were quite challenging. Later that night we had burritos for dinner followed by marshmallows and hot chocolate for dessert. It was yummy!

We slept at the base of a mountain and we slept on rocky grounds and it was very bad. I don’t think anyone got a good sleep

Today we climbed up Tongariro and it was extremely hard. It took quite a few hours but we got there in the end. It was very windy and cold at the summit but the view was all worth it. It was much easier to get back down. We finished off the day with a long hard walk carrying a heavy bag and a movie before we went to sleep.

Archer Gray and George Read

Group 6

Danny Glass, Zen Lamb, Hugo Chapman, Ethan Cash, Molly Walker, Arlo Vanderlaan, Ethan Newton, Anastasia Radevska, Ben Drew

Day 1

Bush Navigation

To start our first day off, we were thrust into the deep end and out of many comfort zones – the bush . We were given a map and compass, and briefed on how to set bearings, read detailed map scales and more. With compass in hand and perseverance in mind, we set off on our journey. The majority of the bush was unexplored territory that we had to conquer to get to our objective. This challenging section of our day tested both our physical and mental stamina.


This adrenaline inducing experience got our hearts racing. This wasn’t your usual ziplining experience though, our teamwork was put to the test, as we had to operate the zipline ourself. Placing our trust, in our peers was difficult to begin with, but as we bonded as a team through the fun experience, we heightened our level of trust in one another.

Crate Crossing

The final challenge of our excursion. We were promised an exicting river swim after a physically challenging day, but first we had to cross this river. We were given 7 plastic crates as our only equipment to cross without getting wet – with 9 people. This experience pushed our strategizing and cooperation to the river’s edge. Defeating the river with literally 1 second remaining on the timer, the team felt bonded and deserving of their icy swim.

Day 2

The Beginning

Days 2 action was amazing!!! The team took a trip for a seven-hour hike to the summit of Tongariro. It started off with a beautiful early morning and a lovely slice of soggy toast the day slowly went downhill, when we found out we had to do a hike for the whole day however everyone ended up feeling happy and accomplished. Our adventure began with nice, flat, and an actual pathway till we conquered the wild. It started to become very steep and had to walk on gravel and ginormous rocks for over 4 hours one way.

Nearly There

The perseverance slowly dropped, with a few complaints from Ethan Newton and Stasi especially. The team was a bit negative as we were only group to walk up to the summit of the mountain, which might we add had a 2,000 meters altitude. Everyone was exhausted expect for Hugo and Ethan Cash who were mountain goats and were in their element. Everyone wanted to turn back and give up however our team bonding helped us encourage each other to the way to the top.

The Summit

We also got hot chocolate at the top from our lovely instructor Alex!! Until we realized we had to descend the mountain. Many epic falls later, and a lot of laughs and unforgettable memories were made. A few hours later and our legs are still tired and feel like they will fall off, but we are ready to have a big night sleep and excited for what’s to come. Stay tuned for day 3 action!!!!

Day 3

Group 6 setting off on their overnight caving/mountain based expedition - good luck!

Overnight Expedition

Days 3 and 4 action was crazyyyyy!!


we started the day with some caving and then the caves were very scary. We played multiple activities in the cave and Ethan Newton got stuck in multiple tight spaces. Our instructor Alex made us walk through the caves with jo light. It was very scary. We had to trust our team mates to guide ourselves through the save but Ethan Newton struggled during this activity. Towards the end, Stasi pants got a bit Of a rip not in the best place. Overall, we loved caving and was the best activity so far!!!! until we had to walk 4 hours to the campsite 🏕

It was a very nice and relaxing walk, the team changed there mindset however Zen and Ethan Newton didn’t. The team realised that they majorly dislike Walking. Unfortunately Zen and Ethan’s complaining wasn’t the worst part of this trip. Stasi was the most enthusiasm person today. IT ONLY GOT WORSE. Once we arrived to the campsite Ethan Cash had forgotten our fuel. This lead us to have long plain pitta bread for breakfast. Thankfully our instructor had some gas to keep us alive. The campsite was in the middle of nowhere it was a plain grass field with a mud river also making us have a limit of water. At night we attempted a fire that eventually became successful because of Danny Glasses genius idea of adding a bundle of perfect wood for the fire. Unfortunately this fire would start up every 10 minutes after we attempted to put it out with buckets and water bottles. The rain came on strong, hushing and howling. Thankfully the fly didn’t fall down. In the middle of the night, we heard a pig, a loud grizzly pig. It was so scary, it came down to campsite tromping through attacked us. Unfortunately some of us have major injuirys. But the pig unfortunately passed away in the fire that wouldn’t stop alllll night longgg. RIP Piggy. The night was not quiet long cause the bugs came, they were attached to us. Some of us had some tantrums but Hugo Chapman, he had his earplug to block it alllll out.


The sun rises and so did we. The adventurous 10 walked back to base early in the morning to have some hot noodles. We loved it.


We didn’t have much time on the high ropes but a few people, such as Danny , Stasi, Molly , Arlo, did really good. The people listed above all managed to get onto a pole high in the sky and were capable of doing over 15 pull-ups whilst hanging 15 meters in the air. The adrenaline hit all of us. It was really enjoyable for all members. After that we headed back the base and went to the lake. It was the groups first water activity so we all went in with a positive mindset. Till two canoes capsized, first it was Stasi and Molly who got attached by alligator (but no one else saw it). A few minutes Ethan and Zen capsized as well. This time the pig that magically came back. We made it to the end of the lake where Stasi and Molly won and then we went bridge jumping. Hugo freaked out by how cold the water was but we all braved the coldness of the water and jumped of the bridge but Ethan Newton and Zen didn’t. The jump of the bridge was really fun and made us wash off all the negatively from the previous night.

As a group, we trouped our way through all the multiple obstacles life through at us. “Mentality is the only thing pushing you up” - Hugo Chapman. Looking back, this is a experience that we will never forget and once in a life time memories.

Anastasia Radevska and Danny Glass

Thanks Hillary Outdoors for an incredible week in the Tongariro National Park!