Comprehensive Report and Summary
PK–12 Education as Part of the Solution for Bending the Curve
PK–12 Education as Part of the Solution for Bending the Curve
This report was written by faculty and administrative leaders of education from the UC and CSU systems in partnership with key stakeholders to support the urgent need to advance PK-12 environmental and climate change literacy in 2019. The ECCLPs Executive Committee continues to draw on recommendations in this report to implement and scale climate and environmental justice.
This report was written by faculty and administrative leaders of education from the UC and CSU systems in partnership with key stakeholders to support the urgent need to advance PK-12 environmental and climate change literacy in 2019. The ECCLPs Executive Committee continues to draw on recommendations in this report to implement and scale climate and environmental justice.
This report outlines innovative, practical, and scalable solutions to prepare and support current and future teachers to educate students about environmental and climate change issues. The report’s recommendations align with and build on existing initiatives and efforts and include:
This report outlines innovative, practical, and scalable solutions to prepare and support current and future teachers to educate students about environmental and climate change issues. The report’s recommendations align with and build on existing initiatives and efforts and include:
- Integration of environmental and climate change literacy across all subjects.
- Establishment of an official California State Taskforce for the promotion of environmental and climate change literacy.
- Engagement of the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing to update learning opportunities for teachers in support of environmental and climate literacy.
- Expansion of access to earth science with an emphasis on climate for high school students.
Strategic Summary
Strategic Summary
Comprehensive Report
Comprehensive Report
The summary and comprehensive report below are subject to correction, copy-editing, layout revisions, and adjustments. These documents have been peer reviewed.
The summary and comprehensive report below are subject to correction, copy-editing, layout revisions, and adjustments. These documents have been peer reviewed.
Authors: Veerabhadran Ramanathan, Marcelo Suárez-Orozco, Marquita Grenot-Scheyer, Fred Uy, Richard Arum, Karen Cowe, Jill Grace, Barbara Murchison, Cheryl L. Ney, and Emily M. Schell.
Authors: Veerabhadran Ramanathan, Marcelo Suárez-Orozco, Marquita Grenot-Scheyer, Fred Uy, Richard Arum, Karen Cowe, Jill Grace, Barbara Murchison, Cheryl L. Ney, and Emily M. Schell.
Contributing Authors: All members of the ECCLPS Steering Committee and members of the In-service, Pre-service and Curriculum Subcommittees (see full list at the end of the report).
Contributing Authors: All members of the ECCLPS Steering Committee and members of the In-service, Pre-service and Curriculum Subcommittees (see full list at the end of the report).
Editor: Leigh Leveen
Editor: Leigh Leveen
This summary report should be cited as:
V. Ramanathan, M. Suárez-Orozco, M. Grenot-Scheyer, F. Uy, R. Arum, K. Cowe, J. Grace, B. Murchison, C. Ney, and E. Schell, et al.: Achieving Climate Stability and Environment Sustainability: PK–12 education as part of the solution for bending the curve. Published by the UC–CSU Environmental and Climate Change Literacy Project and Summit Steering Committee. Ed: Leigh Leveen, Published by the University of California at Los Angeles 2019.