CYCP Application

CYCP Cohort 2 Application

Thank you for your interest in the CYCP program. 

The Application period for Cohort 2 has now closed.


Program Eligibility Overview: The program is available to all students entering ninth through twelfth grade in the 2024–25 school year. Students must be able to complete all program requirements, including attending the synchronous events that take place between August 2024 and January 2025: virtual summer retreat in August, virtual monthly workshops between August and December, and the January Capstone event. Students do not have to have past experience as a student leader or involvement with environmental or climate action. This leadership program is centered in equity-driven values and welcomes and encourages youth to apply who have identities that are currently and historically marginalized. 


The Application period for Cohort 2 has now closed.

The application includes a range of questions, including basic demographics and context, as well as the opportunity for students to share their passion and interest in taking part in the program. Supplemental materials (for example transcripts, resumes, and letters of recommendation) are not necessary; please do not send. 

Accepted applicants, also known as Youth Climate Policy Ambassadors, will be eligible to receive a $500 stipend upon completion of all program requirements.

Applications are due Monday, May 27. Applicants can expect to hear back about their acceptance by June 14.

If you have any questions, please send an email to

See full program overview here.


Interested in serving as a mentor?

We are looking for Mentors to provide coaching and support to our young leaders. We hope to recruit a diverse group of mentors from around the state! 

To express your interest as a mentor and to learn more, please fill out the mentor interest form.