Luis Tupak Aguilar Bustos



Luis Tupak Aguilar Bustos is an Industrial Engineer in Electronics with a degree awarded by the Technological Institute of Tijuana in 1994. He completed his Master of Science in Digital Systems at the National Polytechnic Institute (IPN), at the Center for Research and Development of Digital Technology (CITEDI), and obtained his PhD in Electronics and Telecommunications at the Center for Scientific Research and Higher Studies of Ensenada (CICESE) in 1998 and 2003, respectively. Dr Aguilar worked as a part-time professor at the Technological Institute of Tijuana from 1996 to 2004 and is currently a full-time professor at the IPN, attached to CITEDI. His main research areas are focused on robust control, especially in variable structure systems, nonlinear H-infinite control, non-smooth systems, systems with distributed parameters and applications in electromechanical systems. He is the author of 58 articles published in journals indexed in the Web of Sciences index, 29 book chapters, and 182 conference papers. In addition, he has co-written 5 books, including two published by Birkhäuser Publishing House on non-smooth H-infinity control and two-relay control methodology, one published by Springer on type-2 fuzzy logic, and another on quadrotor control published by Alfaomega. To date, Dr Luis Aguilar has supervised 13 doctoral students and 28 master's students. Since 2016, he is an Associate Editor of the IEEE Automatic Control Society and a member of the Editorial Board of Elsevier's International Robust and Nonlinear Control and Elsevier's Medical Robotics journal.