Silvia Elena Ibarra Olmos


Dr. Silvia Elena Ibarra Olmos is a full-time professor titular C, at the Department of Mathematics of the University of Sonora (UNISON), with 39 years of seniority. She made her BSc in Mathematics and MSc in Math Education in the University of Sonora. She got her PhD in Math Education in CICATA-IPN. Member of the National Researchers System (SNI, Mexico). Dr Silvia Elena has 39 years of teaching experience in undergraduate level, with curses in Engineering, Physics and Mathematics carrers. She is professor of the MSc in Math Education (since 1996), posgrade program that she had coordinated by herself for 10 years, and in the Doctorade in Sciences (PhD Eq.) with speciality in Math Education, responsible of the project for the creation of this last posgrade program. Dr. Ibarra Olmos is a current member of the Academic Commission for the MSc and the PhD posgrade programs, and the Permanent Council of the Math Education Advisory Firm of the University of Sonora since its creation in 2009, moreover of the Research Etics Committee in the University of Sonora since 2016. She has participated in different projects concerning academic formation of mathematic teachers in all the education levels, with local, regional and national impact. Dr. Silvia has directed 16 MSc thesis in Math Education and 4 of BSc Mathematics. Co-autor of 5 learning modules of mathematics, adressed to students of Cecytes-Sonora, Emsad and Cobach-Sonora. Conferencist in diverse events, reviewer in national and international journals in the area of Math Education.