Joaquín Delgado Fernández


Dr. Joaquin Delgado Fernandez obtained his both BSc in Physics and MSc in Mathematics at the Faculty of Sciences of the Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico (UNAM). He receipt his PhD in Sciences (Mathematics) by the Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, campus Iztapalapa (UAM-I), under the addressing of Dr. Ernesto Lacomba Zamora. Dr. Delgado was visiting scholar at the Laboratorio Nacional de Investigación Científica (LNCC), Rio de Janeiro, and at the University of Minnesota. Ther is a great variety on his research áreas: Dynamical Systems, Celestial Mechanical, Mathematical Modeling, for instance. Member of the Sistema Nacional de Investigadores (SNI) level 2. He was Chief of the Department of Mathematics of the UAM-I. Autho of more than 30 research articles, co-editor and autor of the books “El legado matemático de Leonhard Euler a trescientos años de su nacimiento”, “Henri Poincaré y David Hilbert. Los últimos universalistas y los fundamentos de la física-matemática moderna”, “Modelación de tráfico vehicular”, “Rutas hacia el Álgebra” and the proceedings of the international conferences Hamsys. Dr. Delgado was director of the journal “Contactos. Revista de Educación en Ciencias e Ingeniería”. He was awarded with the prize to Teaching and the Research. Founder of the MSc in Sciences (Applied Mathematics and Industrial) program, since 1997, a nowadays consolidated program and, he is the current coordinator. Dr. Delgado is the former of a research group in the line of bifurcations and dynamical systems, forming graduates of PhD level, whom actually form their own students and members of the SNI. For social responsability, in a complementary and solidarity way, he takes part in the Project TAMME (Talento Matemático Mexicano) that serves children from basics and elementary schools with interest and habilities in Mathematics, in order they can develop their mathematics skills with playful activities as workshops, at first face-to-face from UPN-Ajusco locations, and online during pandemia.