María de los Ángeles Mata González


She obtained her BSc in Mathematics in 2009 at the Universidad de Sonora, in the area of Dynamical Systems. In 2014 she ends the program MSc in Math Education in the Department of Mathematics of the Universidad de Sonora. She has dedicated her life to teach matheamtics since 2009 in diverse institutions as UVM-Hermosillo, Tecnologico de Monterrey - Hermosillo and CETYS University - Tijuana, where she has dedicated to the well teaching in (high school level) media superior and (College and BSc level) superior. Her current adscription in the Department of Engineering Basic Sciences of CETYS - Tijuana, where she provides services to Engineering carrers in there. Currently, she is working on techniques of teaching and use of technologies for the design of didactic material and reactives in Geometry, Calculus, Differential Equations and Linear Algebra.