Adriana Ruíz Silva


Adriana Ruiz Silva obtained her BSc grade in Mathematics at the Department of Mathematics, Universidad de Sonora (UNISON) in 2011, her MSc and PhD grades in Control and Dynamical Systems at the Applied Mathematics Division of the Instituto Potosino de investigación Científica y Tecnológica (IPICYT), in 2014 and 2019, respectively. In the period 2020-2022 obtained a postdoctoral fellowsip position at the Department of Mathematics of the Universidad de Sonora, focused in the dynamic behavior of excitable cells.Dr. Ruiz is member of the Researchers National System (SNI, Mexico) level C since 2021. She is a Member of the Mexican Mathematical Society and The Dynamical Systems and Applications Mexican Society. Support Sofía Kovalevskia for her academic merit in 2018, by Kovalevskia Foundation and the Mexican Mathematical Society. Currently, Dr. Ruiz Rilva is professor at the Universidad Estatal de Sonora in the Biomedical and Horticulturing Engineering programs. Her research interests are addresed to the study of bioinspired dynamical systems modelled by complex nets, and análisis and control of emerging behaviors, such as synchronization of dynamical systems.