Healthcare Intelligence and eXtended Reality

January 17-19, 2024

an IEEE AIxVR 2024 Workshop

As the healthcare landscape continues to evolve, there's a growing emphasis on the integration of advanced technological interventions. VR, MR and AR, collectively known as XR, have been instrumental in various healthcare applications, enabling training and planning of interventions as well as remote collaboration. AI, known for data-driven insights, is transforming diagnostics and patient care. Combining these two areas will bring a new era in healthcare, marked by precision, personalization, and better patient experiences.

This workshop aims to:

Important Dates

Organizing Committee

Anderson Maciel

Associate Professor   

Instituto Superior Técnico 


Catarina Moreira

Associate Professor

University Technology of Sydney


Faraz Janan

Senior Teaching Fellow

Imperial College London and 

Anglia Ruskin University




There are three general types of submissions:

All submitted papers should follow the main conference format and will go through a thorough peer review process. Accepted papers will be presented during the workshop, with dedicated sessions for in-depth discussions and networking.

Topics of interest



Call for papers

Paper Submission Information

Proceedings: Workshop proceedings will be published by the IEEE Computer Society Press and included in the IEEE Xplore Digital Library.

Reviewing process

The review process is double-blind, meaning remove author information from your paper when submitting it. Each paper will be reviewed by at least two domain experts. There won't be a rebttal phase for submissions. Publishing in the workshop won't prevent you from publishing full paper or journal articles with more content in the future. However, you can't submit the same workshop paper to another place without adding more material. Authors of accepted papers must make requested changes and submit the final version by the camera-ready deadline.


Catarina Moreira (Lead and Coordinator) at 

Anderson Maciel at 

Faraz Janan at 

Please mention HIeXR in the title of your email.
