Ava Tarach | 7th Grade, Oxford Middle School

Shades of Hope

Statement of Purpose:

My message is that even when everything is dark, and it seems like there is only despair, we can still have hope. Because if we have even a bit of hope, we can start to change things for the better. My piece is the bookshelf that hid Anne Frank, her family, and others. It’s in black and white to represent hopelessness and despair at that time. It fades away in the bottom right corner to show that without hope, our world crumbles. Through the middle is a streak of color, which shows hope and determination, opposite to the black and white. The ends are yellow because the color yellow represents hope. My piece connects to the theme because to have hope is a choice. You can choose to have determination and hope, and the drive to make the world a better place. It connects to the prompt because in order to make the world a better place, we need to start with the will to do so. We need to have hope that we can succeed in making the world a better place. Finally, it connects to the inspiration with the main focus of the art being the bookshelf that hid Anne Frank and her family for two years. It shows that someone had the kindness to help them hide, even when it could cost them everything. That even during those dark times, they tried to make the best of it and had hope things would get better.