Audrey Hollenbaugh | 9th Grade, Marine City High School

Be the Difference

Statement of Purpose:

The message I intend to deliver with this piece is that everyone has a responsibility to help others. No matter their race, religion, gender, etc., we are all human and should support each other in times of need. If everyone sees injustice but says “It’s none of my business” or thinks they won’t make a difference, then injustice goes on freely. During the Holocaust, Jewish people were dragged out of their houses and forced to leave. They were beaten and discriminated against and treated like garbage. Meanwhile, many of their neighbors and community members looked on, too afraid, too uncaring, or maybe feeling too small to help. Just think of the difference one person could have made. One person deciding to go out and try to help could have made others decide to step up. It creates a domino effect because people think, “If they can help, so can I!” That is the meaning of this painting. The theme, the power of choice, is connected because people can either choose to step forward and help, or to watch as terrible events unfold. Every person holds that power, even you, the viewer. What choices have you made? Did you step up when you should have? The world could be a million times more wonderful, all from one person starting a chain of taking action. Have you been that person?