Mrs. Hobby's Kindergarten Class

"I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel"-Maya Angelou

Wanda Hobby

About me

Wanda Hobby is new to the Luella Merritt Kindergarten team! She worked on campus last year in first grade and enjoyed it so much that she wanted to return.

Wanda enjoys spending time with her husband, children, grandchildren and her maltipoo Chloe. Family is very important to Wanda and she embodies the belief of SEL,( social and emotional learning). Mrs. Hobby expect a lot from her students and she will push them to learn new things. You will find that while her expectations are high, she understands that each of her students have different levels and styles of learning. If you ever have any concerns or questions she will be open and ready to help families in any way she can.

Contact Info



Daily Virtual Office Hours

Please note I have 3 different office time for your convenience. I will be online in google meets!


8:30- 9:00


Class Schedule

Mrs. Hobby's Online class Schedule 20-21

Lesson Plans

All coursework is posted in Google Classroom. Please join the Classroom by using the codes sent to parents' phone numbers via text during the first week of school, or email to request the code be sent to you.

What To Expect

Google Meet Expectations