Mr. Chavez

5th Grade Science and Social Studies

Science Overview:


Students will learn that matter is anything that has mass and takes up space. Matter is what forms all of the physical things around us living and non-living. Matter can be measured, tested, and observed by its physical properties, which are the characteristics of an object, including mass, magnetism, physical state, relative density, solubility in water, and the ability to insulate or conduct heat or electricity. In addition, students will verify that some mixtures maintain physical properties of their ingredients and identify changes in the physical properties of the ingredients in a solution.

September 8th - October 9th

Social Studies


Age of Exploration:

In this unit, students will be introduced to the big question, “why do people explore?” To help answer this question, students will explore the period of history when many European nations became interested in finding a sea route to Asia and consequently began exploring the Americas and Africa.

September 8 - 21

About Me:

Hello everyone , my name is Daniel Chavez III AKA Mr. Chavez at Bonnie Brae Elementary. I have been a teacher at Bonnie Brae Elementary since 2011 which means that I have taught most of you in first grade and now, I will have the honor to be your teacher again!! I am excited to teach 5th grade as a Science and Social Studies teacher along with Mrs. Garcia who will teach Language Arts and Ms. Risse who will teach Math. I look forward to having a great year!

Mr. Chavez Class Schedule 2020

STUDENT 5th GradeChavez