Welcome to Ms. Adia's AVID Class!

virtual classroom

Ms. Adia's Class Schedule:

A days

Period 1 AVID 6th 8:30-9:25

Period 2 AVID 6th 9:30-10:25

Period 3 AVID 7th/8th 10:30-11:25

Period 4 AVID 7th/8th 11:30-12:25

B Days

Period 6 AVID 7th/8th 9:30-10:25

Period 7 AVID 7th/8th 10:30-11:25

Period 8 AVID 7th/8th 11:30-12:25

My first priority as your child's AVID teacher this school year is to help them successfully manage being digital learners. We will build our confidence in using the technology tools in their virtual classrooms, learn how to manage our time and stay organized, make time for self care and reflection, and have a space to share our struggles and learn how to problem solve to find solutions.

This is my 12th year as a teacher. I spent the first eight years teaching science and during that time I helped write science curriculum for FWISD and was awarded the 2015 Teaching Chair of Excellence for Secondary Science. I am now in my fourth year as an AVID elective teacher. I am also an AVID District Trainer and have helped teachers in schools across the district learn teaching strategies that help all students become college and career ready. My favorite part of teaching is spending time getting to know and support your children and I am so thankful for my time with them.

Please reach out to me with any questions you have.

vanessa.adia@fwisd.org call or text (I prefer text) 682-207-8072

Office Hours for students: 1:00 p.m.-2:00 p.m. Monday through Friday