Korean Percussion

The TDSB Music Department's Community Music Korean Percussion and Dance Program is popular and it incorporates both Korean neo-traditional music and movement. This program is a rewarding and effective vehicle to teach fundamental musical skills.

The Korean Percussion program is recommended for music teachers of Junior/Intermediate. The Sogo drums are best for Primary.

Instrument Inventory:  10 Janggo (hourglass drum), 10 Buk (barrel drum), 2 Kkwaenggwari , 1 Jing (hand gong), 20 Sogo (fan drum for dance)

Charles Hong - Korean Percussion

Charles is a music educator, composer, and performer, who has been playing Korean drums for over 30 years. In 1992 he travelled to Seoul, South Korea, and for four years apprenticed under master drummer Kim Duk Soo. He has visited Korea a number of times to further his studies of drumming repertoire. In 1998, he founded Ensemble Jeng Yi, a professional Korean drum and dance company based in Toronto. He is an active educator, leading Korean drumming and dance projects in the Toronto District School Board since 2014.

In 2016 he was the Artist-in-Residence at Hillcrest Library under the auspices of the Toronto Art Council's Artist in the Library Program. From this residency evolved the Ironflower Drummers, a large community group of Korean drum enthusiasts led by Charles Hong. The community group meets rehearses weekly, and has performed in local events across Toronto.

This kit has two embedded programs; percussion learning and traditional dances with this a Sogo hand drum.  Teachers will discuss their individual plans for implementing each program with the instructor.