Guidance Department FAQ

What services do Guidance Counsellors offer to students/families?

Click here to learn about the services Guidance Counsellors provide for students/families.

Who is my Guidance Counsellor and what is their contact information?

Click here to find out who your Guidance Counsellor is and their contact information.

How do I book an appointment to meet with my Guidance Counsellor?

Click here to learn how to book an appointment to meet with your Guidance Counsellor.

Where is the Guidance Office?

The Guidance Office is on the first floor in Room 112.

What is the process for changing courses on my timetable?

At the beginning of each semester, a Google Form will be posted on our website and a scan code to the Google Form will be posted on the Guidance Office doors. Students are to complete and submit the Google Form then once submitted, the student waits for a Guidance Counsellor to contact them to meet in the Guidance Office and discuss the timetable changes requested. The time from the Google Form being submitted to the meeting with the Guidance Counsellor varies and may take a few days to complete depending on the volume of requests and priority of each request.

For other times during any semester, students must book an appointment with their Guidance Counsellor for timetable changes.

Where do I find information on volunteering opportunities and the Student Community Involvement Activity Notification and Completion Form?

For a paper copy of the form, visit the Guidance Office in room 112.

For an electronic version of the form and volunteer opportunities, visit our website at this link Volunteering Information and Form.

How do I obtain my Index Card, Credit Counselling Summary, Transcript and Timetable?

For current JPCI students, contact your Guidance Counsellor. Click here to learn how to book an appointment to meet with your Guidance Counsellor.

For former JPCI students who require their transcript;

  • If it has been less than one year since you left JCPI, please contact our Guidance Secretary at 416-395-3303 extension 20040.

If it has been more than one year since you left JPCI, please contact the transcript office. For contact and more information, visit their website.

How do I obtain an Attendance Letter (same as an Enrollment Letter)?

Please contact the main office at 416-395-3303.

What opportunities are available to obtain more credits?

To obtain more credits above the 8 courses you can take at JPCI, you can take summer school (new credit, credit recovery, coop and e-learning), night school, dual credits and SWAC (Schools WIthin a College). For more information, visit our website at More Credit Opportunities

For support, please book an appointment to meet with your Guidance Counsellor. Click here to learn how to book an appointment to meet with your Guidance Counsellor.

How does someone register to attend JPCI?

If you have never attended a TDSB school, complete the registration process found on this website. Once completed, a JPCI staff member will contact you.

You must call the main office to book a registration appointment if one of the following applies;

  • You are a current TDSB but not at JPCI student or

  • You are currently a non-TDSB student but were previously a TDSB student.

Where do I find information about courses and programs offered at JPCI?

For courses, please visit our website at JPCI Courses and Course Selections

For our SMR (Science, Mathematics and Robotics) specialized program, visit our website at SMR Program

  • You may also contact the ACL of the SMR Program, Ms. Silva, at

For one of our 4 SHSM (Special High Skills Major) programs, visit our website at SHSM Programs.

You can also contact or book an appointment with our Guidance Counsellor. Click here to learn how to book an appointment to meet with your Guidance Counsellor.

Where can I find information about scholarships?

Visit our website at Scholarships.

Where can I find information about Mental Health & Well-Being?

Visit our website at Mental Health & Well-Being.

While at school, if you require immediate assistance, please tell your teacher or go to the Guidance or Main Office.

  • Outside of school hours, if you require immediate assistance;

    • And it is an emergency, call 911

    • And it is not an emergency, contact the Kids Help Line by calling 1-800-668-6868 or visit their website at for texting or Facebook messenger options. Also, visit their website for resources near you like a youth program

For non-emergencies, you may contact or book an appointment with your Guidance Counsellor. Guidance Counsellors may connect you with our Child and Youth Worker or Social Worker.

Where can I find more information about post-secondary opportunities?

For grade 12 students, join the Grade 12 Students Google Classroom for all the information you require to graduate and move forward with your post-secondary pathway; the code is m2k6v7u.

For grade 9 - 11 students, you can find a lot of information about apprenticeships, colleges, universities, applications, programs, admission requirements, financial aid, transition support, tours and events at the following websites:

For assistance, contact or book an appointment with your Guidance Counsellor. Click here to learn how to book an appointment to meet with your Guidance Counsellor.

Visit our website at Post-Secondary for the Grade 12 Webinar and more more information.

How do I access MyBlueprint for course selection?

Click here for more information on course selection through MyBlueprint.