Scratch Programming Practice Project

Your job is to use the video game making program “Scratch” to create an interactive game or slideshow. Your program must be:

  • Interactive and have at least two buttons programmed

  • Have at least two sprites with two costumes

  • Use at least 3 backgrounds

  • Have some sound or music effects

  • Use nested coding such as a loop

  • Use conditional coding such as the if /then block in the control panel. For tips on this check the Catch Game tutorial in the tips or watch this youtube video

  • Ensure code efficiency, order and neatness. You will be asked about why you made the choices you did.

Create your game in Scratch! Use the tips and tutorials to help you learn how to use the block coding. There are MANY youtube tutorials and much information on how to use scratch in Google.

You can start here: https://scratch.mit.edu/tips