Humberside Canadian and World Studies

Humanities is the more appropriate word for what we do in this department. In our courses we study and interpret ideas about humankind and examine how we have lived over time and place. In our studies, we strive to learn why things happen, how people experience, and how they reshape the societies in which we live. We come to know ourselves by discovering the world around us, past and present. Most importantly, through our study of humankind we can seek to make right the injustices of the past and present, and build a more just and equitable future.

In our department we offer a wide variety of courses that will challenge and reward all learning styles. One of our primary concerns is equipping the next generation of leaders of our society. We strive to play a major role in helping students to develop the skills and level of scholarship that will help them succeed in any field once they graduate from Humberside.

Our department offers a broadly and diversified program that includes Canadian, ancient and world history as well as philosophy, sociology, anthropology, economics, religion, politics, civics and law courses. All students must take the grade 10 Canadian history course and the grade 10 Civics course. Humberside students often opt to take more than one history or social science in their senior years.

Why Study History and the Social Sciences?

Studying the humanities is important for many reasons that include, but are not limited to the following; 

Courses Offered

In grade 10 every student in the school must take the 20th century Canadian History (CHC 2D1) class and the half year Civics (CHV 101) course . These courses provide students with the foundation for understanding our country that every Canadian needs as they transition into their role as a responsible and conscientious citizen. Among other things, these courses also lay the foundations for solid argumentative writing, critical thinking, and presentation skills.

In grade 11 the options for students interested in Canadian and World Studies grow dramatically. Those interested in contemporary issues can study Anthropology, Sociology, and Psychology (HSP 3U1), Introduction to Law (CLU 3M1). Students who want to go beyond the grade 10 course in history can take American History (CHA 3U1) or World History (CHW 3M1).  Of course many students take a combination of two or more of the above.

In grade 12 students can prepare themselves for their post-secondary studies in history by taking the West and the World (CHY 4U1) history course. Those interested in more contemporary issues can take Canadian and World Politics (CWP 4U1), Canadian and International Law (CLN 4U1), Economics (CIA 4U1), Equity and Social Justice (HSE 4M1), Deconstructing Anti-Black Racism (IDC 4U1) or Challenge and Change in Society (HSB 4U1). Finally, our grade 12 Philosophy (HZT 4U1) course offers a unique opportunity for students to discover the history of thought and also examine ways of thinking that will benefit them regardless of their future endeavors.

Workload and Expectations

Most of our courses involve at least one major written assignment, a few quizzes and tests, some presentations, and various simulation style activities that involve real world tasks encouraging group investigation, collaboration and problem solving. These tasks include activities like mock trials, model UNs, museum currations and other simulation style activities.

All of our courses derive 70% of the overall mark from course work and 30% from exams and/or culminating activities. 

If you have further questions regarding our courses, please see the Ministry of Education's Canadian and World Studies curriculum documents.

The 2020/2021 History, Social Sciences and Civics Department

You can call the History Office at 416 393 8122 x 20085, but the best way to reach a teacher is to send them an email:

Mr. Dingwall -

Ms. Gibson -

Mr. Bangma -

Mr. Hodge -

Ms. Joseph-

Mr. Puniska -

Ms. Savvides -

Ms. Tsanos -

Ms. Watkinson -

Mr. Wells -

Please do not hesitate to reach out if you have questions or concerns of any nature!