Ryan Tang

Team: Mutual Funds Operations - B2C Operations(T&O)

Supervisor: Grace Singh, Senior Manager II T&O

Position: Mutual Funds Analyst

Department Overview:

- Group of workers who process/report accounts until the required funds are achieved.

- Purchasing Fund Companies per Clients/Investment Advisor's Request

- Reporting suspicious accounts and issues then correcting them.

- Present Fund companies to clients interested in investing

- Mutual Fund Organizers

My Responsibilities:

- IA Rep Codes

- Contacting Employees for Missing information.

- Completing Assigned work on time

- Organizing documents

- Saving E-mails for required Audits

My Daily Tasks:

- Send status updates to Team by E-mail

- Save Fund company emails to Team Hard drive.

- Send out E-mails regarding IA Code Information.

- Sending Follow up E-mails

- Checking in with Co workers to see how I can be helpful.

Tips For this Program:

Be extremely Respectful to "Co-workers" and know where you stand.

Learn and be familiar with the basics or Microsoft Suite.

Attend Social gathering to network and get to know your team on a personal level.

Treat it as a real job since it very well could be.

Ask and explore your options for your future career.

If you have any questions regarding the program experience contact me by

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/ryan-tang-59766920b/