Education and professional experience:

Antonina Chervatyuk graduated from the Gorbachevsky Ternopil Medical Institute in 2017. After completing her internship, she worked as an emergency medicine doctor at the Starokostiantyniv Central District Hospital until 2019.

In 2019, she started working at the Gorbachevsky Ternopil National Medical University as an assistant at the Department of Disaster Medicine and Military Medicine.

Since 2021 - Assistant Professor of the Department of Emergency and Simulation Medicine at Gorbachevsky TNMU.

Scientific activity:

PhD thesis on "Peculiarities of liver dysfunction development in conditions of acute blood loss and its correction by means of infusion therapy", supervisor - Professor A. Gudyma.

Co-author of about a dozen video lectures, master classes and video courses.

Scientific and educational interests:

Member of the All-Ukrainian Council of Resuscitation and Emergency Medicine.

In order to implement the experience of providing emergency medical care, she visited a simulation center and an EMS station in the United States (Winston-Salem, North Carolina).

Since 2019, she has been a member of the developers of the work programs and training materials for:

"Examination to determine the patient's condition", "Advanced resuscitation in newborns", "ECG signs of emergency conditions".

2021-2022 - instructor of courses / cycles of advanced training for field staff of Ukrainian EMS teams within the framework of the Ministry of Health and WHO projects "Improving Health in the Service of People" - training for medical staff of EMS departments in Ukraine.

Since 2020, he has been a judge of the All-Ukrainian EMS Championships with international participation, the Simulation Medicine Olympiad.

Professional level:

Since 2021 - Director of the following courses (from the European Resuscitation Council):

"Basic life support",

"European pediatric and intermediate life support,

"Pediatric basic life support"

Pre-hospital care instructor and course instructor:

School of simulation training







International professional activity:

In 2020, she taught the course "Advanced Adult Resuscitation" to 3rd year paramedic students at St. Loyola College (Kaunas, Lithuania)

2022 - completed an internship in the United States, North Carolina, Winston-Salem and Washington, DC, in the field of Emergency Medicine as a participant in the Open World project. On September 18-22, 2023, she participated in EUSEM and SIMCUP in Spain, Barcelona.

Medical work:

Emergency medicine doctor