Education and professional experience:

Yuriy Denysiuk graduated from Bukovinian State Medical University in 2015. After completing his internship, he worked as a doctor of the emergency medical services team and a consultant doctor at the Volyn Regional Center for Emergency Medical Care and Disaster Medicine.

Since 2019, he has been working at the Gorbachevsky Ternopil Medical University as an assistant at the Department of Disaster Medicine and Military Medicine and continues to work part-time as an emergency medicine doctor at the VOCEMDMK.

since 2022 - Assistant of the Department of Emergency and Simulation Medicine of Gorbachevsky TNMU.

Since 2019 - a member of the All-Ukrainian Council of Resuscitation and Emergency Medicine.

Scientific activity:

In 2019 he began his studies at the Department of Postgraduate and Doctoral Studies of the Ternopil Gorbachevsky National Medical University of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in the specialty "222 Medicine", scientific adviser - Prof. Gudyma A. A.

He has published 11 scientific papers, including 7 articles, 4 abstracts / reports at scientific conferences, congresses, congresses.

Co-author of more than a dozen video lectures, master classes and video courses.

Co-author of a series of online courses "Provision of Emergency Medical Care at the Pre-Hospital Stage" as part of the joint project of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine with the World Bank "Additional Financing for the Improving Health at the Service of People Project".

Scientific and educational interests:

Member of the European Council of Resuscitation

2019-2022 - instructor of courses / cycles of advanced training for field staff of Ukrainian EMS teams within the framework of the International Red Cross, Ministry of Health and WHO projects "Improving Health in the Service of People" - training for medical staff of EMS departments of Ukraine.

Since 2019, he has been a co-organizer of the All-Ukrainian EMS Championships with international participation, the Simulation Medicine Olympics; Conferences on simulation methods of teaching at the undergraduate and postgraduate levels.

Since 2024, he has been an instructor in the project for the professional development of EMS departments "Improving Health at the Service of People", which is supported by the Ministry of Health of Ukraine and funded by the World Bank.

Professional level:

Since 2021 - instructor of the following courses (from the European Resuscitation Council):

"Advanced life support",

"Immediate life support,

"Basic life support",

"European pediatric advanced life support,

"Pediatric basic life support",



Pre-hospital care instructor and course instructor:

Mass casualty management,


Since 2023, an instructor at the International Medical Corps.

International professional activity:

In 2021 - participation in the online congress of the European Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (EACCME®)

In 2022, participation in the online format of the Medical Education Forum 2022 MEF (Krakow/Poland)

Medical work:

Emergency medicine doctor of the second category