Education and professional experience:

Roman Andriyovych Guk graduated from the Ternopil National Medical University named after I.Y. Gorbachevsky in 2020.

From 2020 to 2020 - intern at the Ternopil Regional Clinical Hospital, specializing in Anesthesiology and Intensive Care.

from 2022 to the present - an anesthesiologist at the Ternopil Regional Clinical Hospital TOR.

since 2022 - Assistant of the Department of Emergency and Simulation Medicine of TNMU named after I.Y. Gorbachevsky,

Since 2017 - Member of the All-Ukrainian Council of Resuscitation and EMS.

Scientific and educational interests:

Since 2017 - co-organizer of the All-Ukrainian Championships of Emergency Medicine with international participation, the Olympiad in Simulation Medicine; Conference on simulation methods of teaching at undergraduate and postgraduate levels.

Professional level:

Since 2019 - instructor of the following courses (from the European Resuscitation Council):

"Advanced life support",

"Immediate life support",

"Basic life support",

"Pediatric basic life support",


Pre-hospital care instructor and course instructor:

Mass casualty management,


Medical work:

Anesthesiologist of the cardiac surgery department with transplantation of the KNP TOKL TOR