Installation Instructions

Download Instructions:

  1. From the, Downloads page, click on the Direct Downloads and Library link . A google docs page will be displayed (you will need to have a google docs account, which can be created free of charge).

  2. Click on the the file name A different google docs page will be displayed listing the contents of the zip file. Do not attempt to execute the setup or install file at this point.

  3. From the menu on the google docs page, click on File | Download to download the zip file.

Install Instructions:

  1. Go to the directory where the downloaded zip file was placed.

  2. Double click on the file to open your archive manager.

For Linux:

  1. Extract the zip file to the directory of your choice. If you have a previous version, extract to the same directory.

  2. Because TdhOGR is dependent on some external libraries that are not so easily obtainable, the libraries are included with TdhOGR in the "lib" directory. These files should be copied to the "/lib" directory, which will require admin privileges (e.g. sudo nautilus).

  3. If the program does not start, you may need to add some standard libraries. In a terminal session, enter “sudo apt-get install libwxgtk3.0-0”.

For MS Windows: not currently available. If anyone knows where dll's (preferably complied with MSVC '22) for GDAL and Proj can be obtained, a Windows version can be made available.