Vance Kauffold

Mr. Vance Kauffold has dedicated his life to the education of Taylorville's children, whether in the classroom, as County Superintendent of Schools, as a sports official and coach, or as the public address "voice" of the Tornadoes football, basketball and track teams.     In 1938, Mr. Kauffold began his teaching career in Taylorville Junior High School located in what is now Memorial Elementary School. For three years he coached the junior high boys that would eventually win the Illinois State High school State Championship. His teaching of fundamentals, teamwork and a sense of fair play established the foundation for their future successes.     Mr. Kauffold began officiating junior high school and high school sports in 1949. For the next fourteen years, he refereed basketball and football, umpired baseball and served as a track official. In 1950 he began being the public address announcer for the football team. Over the next twenty-five years he announce all home football games, basketball games and track meets.

Being prepared, knowing how to pronounce names correctly, and providing an accurate description of the activities on the field or court be came the hallmarks of his announcing. He set the standard for those that followed.

Vance Kauffold set the standard in many ways to help athletes. He volunteered his time. He shared advice, when asked. He encouraged. He made athletes seem important, whether they were the star or the last player on the bench. And most of all, Vance Kauffold set an example of what being "a friend of sports" is all about.