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Teton County School District #1

We are extremely proud of the hard work and effort that students, staff and parents do to ensure our students are well prepared for success. Assessments are but one measure of an individual and school's success and we use data to determine focus areas. We are proud of the well-rounded, perseverant, kind and life ready students that make our district a large family where we care for one another. Dr. Gillian Chapman, Superintendent

Link to Board of Trustees

Our Mission

Our mission is to ensure that all students have the foundation for success and are challenged to reach their full potential.

Our Vision

As a premier district, our vision is to ensure every student is prepared to succeed in an ever-chaning world.

Our Values


Trust, Kindness, and Respect

Challenging Standards

Fairness and Equity

Resilience and Perseverance.

Personal Achievement

Our Strategic Goals

Success for All

Safe, Healthy, Caring Environment

Effective and Efficient Operations

Positively Engaged and Informed Community