Matching Digital Tools to Strategies

Facilitator(s): Miguel Guhlin (@mGuhlin) | Return:

Combining digital tools with high-effect size instructional strategies is a piece of cake. The question is, "Do you know when is the right time to use a particular strategy?"

In this session, you will explore the power of surface, deep and transfer learning to organize your approach to strategies and digital tools.

Share in Chat: Top Three Digital Tools

Scenario: Your co-teacher has asked, "What are some digital tools that you would use to teach a history lesson (or math, or language arts, you decide)? How would you approach this?"

In the Chat: Share your top three digital tools that are your "go-to" tools.

Building blocks for Learning

  1. The Formula for High Yield Lesson Design

  2. Building Blocks of Lesson Design

    1. Brain-Based Learning (BBL)

    2. Teaching with Culture in Mind (TCM)

    3. High-Effect Size Instructional Strategies (HESIS)

    4. Effect and Structure of Coaching

  3. Amazing Learning Design Outline (ALDO)

  4. Designing a High Yield Lesson

  5. Speed Your Learning

get/Make Your Own Copies of these Docs

Get the Outline and Choice Board!

Amazing Learning Design Online (ALDO) (left),
a tool for guiding lesson design for diverse learners.

Use the choice board (right) to get you started on designing. It features four choices for each of the lesson design stages in ALDO.

1- The Formula for high Yield Lesson Design

Is it possible to derive a high yield lesson design formula for student engagement? If so, it might look like this:

(BBL+ TCM + HESIS + EdTech) * Coaching –> Accelerated Student Growth for All Learners

Let's discuss the components of this formula. In the process, I'll share some ideas I've encountered in my studies.

Formulas make you want to rediscover science?

Wish you had a list of amazing interactive science tools? Explore these periodic tables of elements that help make science interactive!

2- Building Blocks of Lesson Design

2.1 Brain-Based Learning

Engage students’ brain with these approaches:

  • Start positive and cultivate physical and emotional safety in the class

  • Inject suspense into your lesson. Try adding suspenseful pauses.

  • Movement activates the brain. Incorporate movements that support learning activities relevant to content.

  • Chunk learning to scaffold comprehension and processing

  • The new and unusual are of high interest to the brain. Create situations or demonstrations that break students out of their learning routine.

  • Take advantage of Think-Pair-Share type activities

True and False Stuff

Did you know that there are a ton of brain-based learning myths?

Bonus: See Solution Approaches (shown right)

2.2 Teaching with Culture in Mind (TCM)

Connecting to children's culture and teaching in ways that taps into culture can scaffold student learning efforts. This isn't new. Bilingual/ESL teachers have been doing this for awhile (more here). These connections help students access rigorous curriculum and develop higher-level academic skills.

"When the brain encounters information, especially during the act of reading and learning, it's searching for and making connections to what is personally meaningful and relevant.

What is relevant and meaningful to an individual is based on his or her cultural frame of reference."
(Source: Zaretta Hammond)

This is their schema.

Shield Against Bewilderment (Frank Smith)

"Schema represent the pieces of inert information we've taken in, interpreted, and categorized. It is a set of conceptual scripts that guide our comprehension of the world. By coding knowledge and culture into stories, songs, chats, proverbs, and poetry, you can engage students in a communal learning experience aligned to their cultures" (Adapted from Zaretta Hammond).

A Quick Activity (Not Really)

In her book, Hammond discusses three levels of culture.

As a fun activity, without getting too deep, please take a moment to collaborate on this Wakelet to add ONE thing to each of the three columns dealing with culture.

Adapted from Source Activity via Ohio Leadership

2.3 High-Effect Size Instructional Strategies

“How do you know if what you’re doing in the classroom is effective?”

“We have no right to teach in a way that leads to students gaining less than d= 0.40 within a year,” says John Hattie (Visible Learning, 2009)

Strategies you use are more effective when they match the your learning intention and students' phase of learning

(Source: Hattie, Fisher and Frey. Visible Learning for Mathematics, 2017.

Want to maximize student growth? Select instructional strategies that work best for different phase of learning your students are in.

"What and when are equally important when it comes to instruction that has an impact on learning.

Approaches that facilitate students' surface-level learning do not work equally well for deep learning, and vice versa.

Matching the right approach with the appropriate phase of learning is the critical lesson to be learned."

- Hattie, Fisher and Frey (Visible Learning for Mathematics, 2017)

What Phase of Learning Are Your Students In?

Foundation/Core Strategies

Strategies that you can use anytime, regardless of learning intention or what phase of learning your students are in.

Surface Learning

Content focused. Introduce students to concepts, skills, and/or strategies.

SOLO Taxonomy: Uni/Multi-Structural
Student has a lack of understanding or knowledge of concept. Or, student has an idea of what it is but not what to do with it or how it connects to other ideas.

Deep Learning

Relationship in and among content. Students consolidate their understanding, applying and extending surface learning after building requisite knowledge.

SOLO Taxonomy: Relational Level
can link ideas together to see the big picture.

Transfer Learning

Transfer of newly learned skills to novel situations or tasks.

SOLO Taxonomy: Extended, Abstract Level
Student can
look at ideas in new and different ways.

Ready to see other digital tools and how the align to high-effect size instructional strategies?

What's the Formula again?

(BBL+ TCM + HESIS + EdTech) * Coaching –> Accelerated Student Growth

2.4 - Coaching Effects

It's amazing how many coaching models are available to you today. Here are some of my favorites for your consideration.

You can learn more about these and others in the Coaching for Results blog series at the TCEA TechNotes blog.

A fantastic tool to use is Diane's Results-Based Coaching Tool. You can get your own copy of Diane Sweeney's Sample Coaching Tool via her blog below. Try these sentence stems to get a coaching conversation moving.

Watch Diane explain its use and read her blog about it.

Explore Coaching for Results

Wish you could learn more about the essentials of coaching for results? You will want to read the Coaching for Results blog series. In this five part blog entries, you get what you need to know to be successful and begin. Grab and share the infographic to the right.

3 - Amazing lesson Design Outline (ALDO)

Ever wish you had an easy to follow checklist when designing learning for students? Here's one resource that mixes research-based approaches with digital tools.

Get the
Amazing Learning Design Online (ALDO),
a tool for guiding lesson design for diverse learners.

4 - Design a High-Yield Lesson

A quick review of how to design a high-yield lesson appears below. As you can see, it seeks to combine a variety of approaches, strategies, and ideas into a simple process (of course, that's not as as easy as it looks).

Work to build a learning partnership with each student, focused on creating a safe, positive learning environment that aligns to the diverse, deep culture backgrounds of students.

Ask yourself, "Where are the students now?" How many are 1) emerging, 2) developing, 3) meeting or 4) exceeding expectations? Determine what formative assessment you will use to assess students. (Source: Diane Sweeney)

Based on the phase of learning your students are in, select a high-effect size instructional strategy and digital tool that will speed learning.

Repeat the assessment you used earlier. Chart student progress towards learning objective. Adjust your existing approach.

Ask yourself key questions, as well as encourage your students to reflect on their learning.

Use this choice board to get you started on designing. It features four choices for each of the lesson design stages featured in the Amazing Learning Design Outline (ALDO).

As you look it over, ask yourself, "What would I add?" to each of the columns? Use the Share Your Own option to add your options, choices, and ideas.

5 - Speed Your Learning

Eustress vs distress

There's a lot to learn about neuroscience, brain myths and truths. In this Wakelet collection, you'll find blogs, books, research, and popular articles about the brain.

Take some time to explore it. The brain is at the heart (sorry, corazon) of human learning.

6 - Exit Ticket

('s not really 50 questions)