TLC for Our LUnch and learn Attendees

Facilitator(s): Peggy Reimers (@preimers) |

Session Description

Welcome back to a brand new year. Let's kick off the year with a "T" for TCEA, an "L" for LAUGHTER, and a "C" for CATCH some FUN and back-to-school goodies!


Back to School

TAke a Breath!


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NPR has published their Joy Generator, a website that entices us to take a moment away from our stress-filled day and tap into more positive emotions. “Small doses of daily delight can shift our focus away from our worries and give more opportunity for joy to arise. You can read more about the science here.” A random video of joy-producing images appears each time you click on the “Click for Joy” button.

Action for Happiness

Happiness is about our lives as a whole: it includes the fluctuating feelings we experience every day but also our overall satisfaction with life. It is influenced by our genes, upbringing, and our external circumstances - such as our health, our work, and our financial situation. But crucially it is also heavily influenced by our choices - our inner attitudes, how we approach our relationships, our personal values, and our sense of purpose.

BAck to school

JUST for Fun - 3 Choices

It is recommended you take the test FIRST before you learn more about it. (4 minutes long)

Are you ready for Pumpkin Spice Season?

Try out the Starbucks Pumpkin Meter.

What's Your Back to School Style?

From KidzWorld

Bulletin Board Tip

Lay your laminated letters and line them up on a table.

Run a line of blue tape down the center

Stick the row to the bulletin board


Remove tape

Viola - lined up letters!

Virtual Game Ideas for Home and School

Mr. Hino's Robotics with 5 Fun Zoom Or Google Meet Games For Your Students! -

Trix TV has a YouTube Channel devoted to Virtual Games (topics include Valentine's Day, Halloween, Biblical Christmas, Big Groups, etc.

Trix TV with FUN Zoom Game Ideas for All Ages | Fun Virtual Happy Hour Games for Everyone -

Two Scots Abroad with 16 Zoom Games For Kids + Other Online Options -

Good Housekeeping with 30 Brilliant Back-to-School Activities to Launch Kids Into a New School Year -

Bonus Resources

Diana Benner with Fun Icebreaker Jamboard Templates for Back to School -

Miguel Guhlin with BellRingers for Improved Retention and Engagement -

PEggy's Slide Deck

L and L