Gr. 7 - 12. Monday September 14

Opening exercises

Please open the Google Slide Deck for opening exercises including an overview of today's topic. Open the slide deck full screen for the best user experience.

What does being a catholic learner mean to you?

In this video your TCDSB Student Trustees Kathy and Keith share what being a Catholic learners means to them.

Kathy and Keith provide you with insight into their relationship with God and what being a Catholic learner means to them. Beyond textbook material, tests and course assignments, Kathy and Keith share a message that speaks to finding balance, reflecting and contributing to a positive school culture.

Reflecting on your experience as a Catholic student, what does being a Catholic learner mean to you?

Using Google Docs or a notebook, journal your thoughts and reflections as we begin this new school year. These thoughts will be revisited later on in this topic.

We Become

In this video you will be introduced to the TCDSB's Pastoral Plan and We Become, which is the focus of this school year.

As you reflect on our TCDSB Pastoral plan, take the time to watch the video below. You will be introduced to the Ontario Catholic School Graduate Expectations, which is a critical foundation of all Catholic learning across Ontario.

In reviewing the Ontario Catholic School Graduate Expectations, think about your home school experience. What made your home school a Catholic community? How do you live your faith in your everyday life with your teachers and peers?

Using Google Docs or a notebook, journal your thoughts and reflections.

The Ontario catholic school graduate expectations

The following video outlines the Ontario Catholic School Graduate Expectations.

Using the Show What You Know Student Choice Board below, answer one of the following questions to be shared with your teachers and peers next week. Be creative. Celebrate your gift and talents.

  1. What does being a Catholic Learner mean to you?

  2. Who are you called to become on your learning and faith journey?

  3. Which Ontario Catholic School Graduate Expectation connected most deeply with you and why?

You will not be submitting your work this week. Please save your work to be shared with your teacher and peers.

Looking ahead

Looking ahead to Wednesday of this week, a thought provoking conversation will be shared that speaks to Anti-Black and BIPOC racism. Knowing that this topic may create a need for support, students will have the opportunity to register for live sessions taking place on Thursday and Friday of this week with TCDSB staff.

  1. Use a visual schedule, visual supports, and the first-then strategy to assist with organizing the day.

  2. Support written text with visuals (pictures).

  3. Check for understanding by asking your child to repeat instructions.

  4. Give breaks when needed. Space activities during the day to provide for optimal participation. Use a visual timer to assist with task completion.

  5. Use the Google Read and Write extension to have text read aloud or write for you.