Specialist high Skills Major (SHSM)

Welcome to St. Mary Catholic Academy's Transportation SHSM Site


Land Acknowledgement  

Out of our deep respect for Indigenous peoples in Canada, we acknowledge that all Toronto Catholic District School Board properties are situated upon traditional territories of the Anishinabek (a-ni-shna-bek), the Haudenosaunee (hoh-Dee-noh-Shoh-nee) Confederacy, and the Wendat peoples. We also acknowledge the land covered by Treaty 13 is held by the Mississaugas of the Credit First Nation, and Toronto is subject to The Dish with One Spoon covenant. We also recognize the contributions and enduring presence of all First Nations, Métis, and Inuit peoples in Ontario and the rest of Canada. 

Transportation Social with Captions TCDSB 2023.mp4
Transportation SHSM with Captions TCDSB 2023.mp4

Transportation is an important feature in the daily lives of many Canadians, and becomes increasingly important as the country experiences both economic and population growth. It connects communities, contributes to the flow of people and goods, and is key to the success of the Canadian economy (Human Resources and Skills Development Canada, 2012).

The SHSM–Transportation provides students with a strong foundation for a wide variety of careers in the transportation sector, from those focusing on the service, repair, and modification of vehicles and vehicle systems to those related to the organization and management of transportation services and mass-transit systems. Depending on local circumstances, this SHSM may be designed to have a particular focus. Where a choice of focus areas is offered, students may select one (Ministry of Education, 2010). 

A Specialist High Skills Major (SHSM) program is a ministry-approved specialized program that allows grade 11 and 12 students to focus their learning on a specific sector while meeting the requirements to graduate from secondary school. It also assists in their transition after graduation to apprenticeship training, college, university or the workplace—a construction major can help you focus on a future career.

The five components of an SHSM  Diploma

TCDSB SHSM Explainer_Oct 19_Pt2.mp4

SHSM Explained

TCDSB SHSM Explainer_Oct 19_Pt1.mp4
SHSM Video.mp4

A Specialist High Skills Major in transportation offers:

The transportation major includes the following components:

In the transportation major, you will take 9 credits in grade 11 and 12:

Sector-recognized certification and training

As part of the transportation major, you will earn 7 certifications, including the following 4 that are compulsory:

Upon graduation, students who complete an SHSM program will receive:

•       An OSSD with an embossed SHSM seal of distinction;

•       An SHSM Record Card documenting the student's achievement.    

Future career paths for transportation majors