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April 24  

988 Radio Station's Super Trainee Program

Three students from the Department of Communication and Media Studies, Leong Hui Xin (Diploma in Broadcast Communication), Hee Rui Yu (Diploma in Broadcast Communication), and Cha Chun Chuan (Bachelor of Communication (Honours) in Broadcasting), have been successfully accepted into 988 Radio Station's Super Trainee Program, which takes place from April to May 2024. The primary goal of this program is to nurture students into skilled and proficient radio DJs.

Throughout the program, trainees will receive mentorship from experienced 988 DJs and will be provided with opportunities to host live shows. Upon completion, outstanding performers may have the chance to host their own shows on 988 Radio Station


April 24  

8TV Campus Mandarin Newscasters for Media Prima TV Networks.

Three students from the Department of Communication and Media Studies, Mr. Tan Kai Ling (Bachelor of Communication (Honours) in Media Studies), Ms. Cha Chun Chuan, and Ms. Michelle Tee (Bachelor of Communication (Honours) in Broadcasting), successfully participated and was selected as 8TV Campus Mandarin Newscasters for Media Prima TV Networks.

They underwent a two-day training program at Sri Pentas, Bandar Utama, where they had the opportunity to be trained by professional newscasters and TV hosts, and gained experience as newscasters in a live studio setting.

Three of our students are also working committee members of TAR Radio, a broadcast radio station under the supervision of FCCI.

Jan 24  

A Prize-Winning Documentary on Cantonese Opera

The ’Drama Inside Documentary: The Chapter of Song’, produced by TAR UMT students was selected for the First Runner-up position in the College & University category at the Canon Short Film Contest 2023 and they also secured the Second Prize in the Xiamen University Malaysia’s Sixth Stellar Prize in the Best Documentary Film of the Videography category. The competitions were held on 18 November 2023 and 15 December 2023 respectively. A team of 13 students from the Bachelor of Communication (Hons) in Broadcasting worked together to produce the documentary.

The documentary was inspired by a quote from “Farewell My Concubine”, a 1993 Chinese historical drama film, which suggests that being human involves understanding and appreciating the emotional complexity of life, as seen in both real experiences and in art like theatre and film. It implies that this ability to engage with drama and emotion is a fundamental part of what it means to be human.

Wong Kai Ing, the Director of the documentary, explained: “Through the documentary, we aim to unravel the intricacies of Cantonese Opera, elucidate its historical significance and influence in the Malaysian film and cultural milieu, and engage in a profound discussion about its inheritance and challenges in contemporary society.

Kai Ing credited their mentor, Ts Wayne Ooi Swee Yaw, Deputy Dean and Lecturer in the Faculty of Communication and Creative Industries (FCCI), for providing valuable professional advice, particularly in the editing process, and guiding them through the film festival and competition submission processes.

“Studying the Bachelor of Communication (Hons) in Broadcasting has been instrumental in equipping me with the essential skills and knowledge needed to undertake the making of this film. The programme has provided me with a comprehensive understanding in the areas of communication, including media production, storytelling, and audience engagement. In particular, the broadcasting focus within the degree has honed my skills in visual storytelling, cinematography, and editing – all critical components in the filmmaking process. Courses within the programme have also covered the cultural and historical aspects of media, which is invaluable when exploring traditional Chinese drama such as Cantonese Opera. Moreover, I am also able to foster a creative and critical mindset, encouraging me to think analytically about the cultural influences on media and how to effectively communicate diverse narratives to an audience,” he explained.

His piece of advice is to follow one’s passion and persist in pursuing one’s dreams. “I have faced rejections from several festivals and competitions in the past. However, my team and I refused to give up, instead, we continued to create the content we were passionate about and embraced opportunities for improvement with each project. Persistence is key and in due time, those who are well-prepared and steadfast in their dedication will stand out and be recognised,” he enthused.

Wong Kai Ing (third from left) and two other team members, Ong Zai Jun (fourth from left) and Teo Poh Yee (fifth from left) were presented with the First Runner-up prize in the Canon Short Film Contest 2023. Also seen here are Hunter Zhang (leftmost), Director of Image Communication Business Division, Canon Marketing Malaysia, Tuan Razali Tuan Omar (second from left), Director, Corporate Communications, Tourism Malaysia and Shunji Yoshikai (rightmost), President and CEO of Canon Marketing Malaysia.

The announcement of the Second Prize win in the Xiamen University Malaysia’s Sixth Stellar Prize award ceremony.


Nov 24  

TAR UMT's Advertising Students Achieves Merit in Kancil Awards 2023, Malaysia's Largest, Most Prestigious Advertising Awards Competition

Subang Jaya, 24 November 2023 - Tunku Abdul Rahman University of Management and Technology (TAR UMT) proudly announces its achievement at the Kancil Awards 2023, Malaysia's most esteemed advertising competition, recognising outstanding contributions to home-grown Malaysian creative excellence in advertising. Under the Student Kancils x sCooler Awards, TAR UMT's Bachelor of Communication (Honours) in Advertising secured Merit recognition in the Special Category for Social Good.

The project that earned the Merit title, 'Project G,' is a socially conscious real-world initiative led by TAR UMT’s final year advertising students, supported by Google. With a focus on sustainable practices and mental wellbeing, especially among young individuals, Project G employs innovative mixed reality technology and introduces the endearing animated character, Chapu.

The Student Kancils x sCooler Awards 2023 witnessed an impressive participation, with over 400 entries submitted by universities and institutions across Malaysia. Cindy Poh Huay Yuet, the lecturer in charge who is also the programme leader for advertising, expressed her elation at the students' success, stating, "It's a tremendous honour for our students to be recognised at the Kancil Awards, a testament to their creativity, dedication, and commitment to making a positive impact. We are grateful for the support from Google, which has enabled us to bring Project G to life and address important issues such as sustainability and mental wellness."

Project G: A Game-Changing Initiative
Project G creatively uses mixed reality technology and features Chapu, an animated character, to raise awareness about sustainable practices and mental wellness among the youth. In a world saturated with information, Project G stands out by delivering content through immersive mixed reality, effectively connecting with Gen Z students on social media.

Background of Project G
Project G, a sustainability initiative, is designed to empower and engage Gen Z in fostering sustainable change and promoting mental wellness through green practices. Supported by Google, the project aimed to further fuel TAR UMT's sustainability efforts and drive positive change in society.

"This project not only enriches our students' educational experience but also empowers them to actively contribute to sustainability and wellness initiatives, making a profound impact on both our university and the broader community,” Cindy added. 

Featuring Chapu, a charming animated character, Project G Diaries utilises mixed reality to engage and motivate Gen Z students through social media. The initiative embodies Project G's core values of sustainability, mental wellness, and green practices. The project also featured an event titled "Project G Celebration Day," where students and Green Heroes came together to work towards a greener future. The event unveiled a 2D sustainable art created from recycled items, embodying the theme of mental wellness and celebrating resilience.

Aug 14 

Malaysiaku Jiwaku Celebration: TAR UMT Comes Together to Leave Their Mark of Love for the Nation

What does Merdeka mean to you? 

For some, it is a month of celebration and renewal of patriotism. For others, it is a time of reflection of the past, and to contemplate what the future holds for the next generation of Malaysians. 

It was with the aim of expressing these thoughts that Tunku Abdul Rahman University of Management and Technology embarked on the three-week long Malaysiaku Jiwaku campaign to mark its first ever Merdeka celebration as a university.

At the heart of this celebration lies the touching gesture of 10,000 fingerprints left by TAR UMT students, staff, and alumni. From the 14th to the 22nd of August, the TARCIAN community united to leave their distinct mark on boards across the campus. Each board, covered in a tapestry of colourful fingerprints, tells a unique story of dedication and aspiration for Malaysia.

But the celebration doesn't end with fingerprints alone. The Malaysiaku Jiwaku celebration also witnessed a heartwarming outpouring of creativity on social media platforms. Students, staff, and alumni embraced the digital realm to share their love and aspirations for their nation through creative, humorous and heartwarming images and short clips. This virtual avenue not only showcased the tapestry of emotions surrounding Merdeka, but also demonstrated how patriotism transcends physical boundaries. 

Among the highlights of the celebration was the Merdeka March, a spirited parade that wound its way around the campus. Led by TAR UMT's President, Prof Ir Dr Lee Sze Wei, over 100 staff and students marched across the campus waving flags, chanting Merdeka, and singing patriotic songs. The march embodied the collective heartbeat of the TARCIAN community for Malaysia, an inspiring showcase of unity, love, and hope.

“It was incredible to be a part of the Merdeka March, surrounded by fellow students and lecturers, all waving flags and chanting together. That feeling of patriotism and camaraderie was truly heartwarming”, said final year Bachelor of Public Relations student, Jarelle Jeremy Especkerman, who joined the march with his classmates. 

Instilling Patriotism through Practical Learning

One standout feature of the Malaysiaku Jiwaku celebration was TAR UMT's debut Merdeka video, titled "WAU 2023". This short video blended traditional values with modern technology, reflecting TAR UMT's 54-year legacy of educational excellence that embraces both tradition and innovation.

Produced collaboratively by students and lecturers from the Faculty of Communication and Creative Industries, the video engaged the skills of approximately 60 students and lecturers, underscoring the diverse talents within the TAR UMT community.

Lecturer Kamarul Shah bin Bakar, who co-directed the video, highlighted that "WAU" was conceived with a noble goal – to rekindle the dormant passion and patriotism residing within each Malaysian.  By leveraging the power of audiovisual storytelling, we aim to reignite the love for the nation that often lies buried beneath the routines of daily life”.

“The wau is a unique symbol of our traditions”, added co-director Kenn Yeap Thiam Hoong. The intricate designs, the cultural elements, the skills it requires to create the wau - these are testaments to the rich cultural heritage that every Malaysian be proud of. Through this video, we also wanted to highlight that we need to embrace the now, new technologies and new ideas, and to incorporate them into our traditions so that we, as a nation, can thrive.”

For students involved, the production journey offered a taste of real-world challenges and rewards, allowing them to step beyond theoretical learning into practical industry scenarios. This hands-on experience encouraged them to explore new industry facets they might not have considered before.

Reflecting on the success of the event, Prof Ir Dr Lee Sze Wei, President of TAR UMT, remarked, "The essence of Malaysiaku Jiwaku is not confined to a single day; it lives on in the hearts of every TARCIAN. The fingerprints, the social media posts, the march, the WAU video – they are all threads in the tapestry of our commitment to Malaysia's future. Through such experiential learning opportunities and activities, we hope to mould students into proficient professionals and patriotic citizens”.

To find out more about TAR UMT’s community and student initiatives, visit or their social media pages.

Jul 07  

Creative Poster Wins Third Place in Anniversary Contest

TAR UMT student Sammi Low Hui Yi’s (pictured above) creative poster design successfully earned her a 3rd place finish in the 8TV 20th Anniversary Thematic Contest after the results were announced on 7 July 2023.

Encouraged to join the competition as part of an assignment, Sammi and her classmates from the Bachelor of Creative Multimedia (Hons) programme submitted their respective design concepts for the competition held by 8TV to celebrate the Malaysian-Chinese television channel’s 20th anniversary.

Participating alongside other creative students from The One Academy and the Malaysian Institute of Art, Sammi’s poster managed to attract enough votes and earned her the 3rd place finish for its bold use of colours, creative arrangement and meaningful elements.

“My concept shows the mascot flying across the galaxy and through the ‘20’ logo, symbolising 8TV’s continuous progress past its 20th anniversary milestone. The little elements comprising triangles, circles and squares represent ‘play’, ‘family gatherings’, and ‘television’ respectively, which symbolise how 8TV can bring families together for a fun-filled experience through their programmes,” explained Sammi.

Even though she did not clinch the top spot, Sammi insisted the learning experience is a more valuable prize, adding: “I was confident that my creative abilities will be able to win over the voters, but in the end, I was able to gain something by seeing the ideas and designs creative students from other institutions presented, which will inspire me for my future designs.”

“Fresh designers like me and my classmates will need experiences like this to help us temper our design skills and learn how to manage expectations with clients in a real-life setting. The balanced mix of academic knowledge and practical opportunities provided in TAR UMT certainly helps us learn effectively while pushing ourselves to test our abilities beyond the classroom,” she said.


Nov 09  

Re:source - Do Right for What's Left” Public Relations students campaign Wins Silver at 2018 Malaysian PR Awards 

"Re:source - Do Right for What's Left" sustainability campaign organised by students who has just completed Bachelor of Public Relations (Honours) in April and August 2018, won the Silver Award under the Institutions of Higher Learning - Students Award category, at the Malaysia PR Awards (MPRA) 2017/2018, organised by the PR Consultants' Association of Malaysia (PRCA Malaysia) on 9 November 2018. 

The increasing severity of sustainability issues led to the birth of Re:source - “Do right for what’s left” campaign organised by final-year Bachelor of Public Relations (Honours) students from Tunku Abdul Rahman University of Management and Technology worked with industry partners to shed light on 10 sustainability issues. The two-day exhibition showcased the integration of information via an extensive audience journey in the Re:source City included a simulation of citizenship accompanied by an array of educational workshops and speeches, in hopes to point the public to the direction of the three pillars of Re:source - managing, discovering and protecting our resources.

Facebook -

Blog -   


Jan 6  

Public Relations students ORIKAMI TAR UC campaign Wins Silver at 2017 Malaysian PR Awards

ORIKAMI TAR UMT Wins Malaysian PR Silver Award

Bachelor in Public RelationsRIK (Hons) final-year students won the Silver award for Institution of Higher Learning Students' PR Campaign at the Malaysian PR Awards (MPRA) 2016/17 for their ORIKAMI TAR UC event.

Campaign chairperson Bryan Nathan and four team members received the award from MPRA organising chairperson Ms Jacqueline Arnold, who is also managing director of Centriq PR.

MPRA is organised annually by the Public Relations Consultants’ Association of Malaysia (PRCAM) to recognise and reward excellence in the home-grown PR industry, its agencies, campaigns and practitioners.

The ORIKAMI TAR UC campaign organised by PR students collaborated with Media Prima to support and promote Made-by-Malaysian brands, creations, productions and artists, in a three-day event from 6th to 8th January 2017.

Feb 24  

Multiple Achievements at sCooler Awards Malaysia

On 24th February 2017, 18 inspiring young designers of Tunku Abdul Rahman University College (TAR UC), from the Faculty of Social Science, Arts & Humanities (FSAH), Creative Arts (CA) programme of Graphic and Multimedia disciplines competed across 17 colleges and universities nationwide, won Gold, Silver and Bronze on their multiple design achievements at the glittering award ceremony of Malaysia’s 1st sCooler Awards, which took place at Publika’s White Box, Black Box, MAP, in Kuala Lumpur.

The sCooler Awards competition was launched on 28th October 2016, and was divided into three categories - "Idea", "Craft" and "Special" categories. The award was judged by panel of industry leaders representing various creative areas of expertise. During the award night, a series of talk was held by industry leaders - Mr. Stanley Clement from SOCIETY (IPG Mediabrands MY), Mr. VJ Anand from BBDO Malaysia, and Mr. Alvin Teoh from NAGA DDB.

Throughout The sCooler Awards Portfolio Review session, students spent 15 minutes presenting their design portfolio by interacting with panel industry professionals face-to-face. Students are grouped into 3 to meet up with 3 panels of judges from one table to another within the judging hall.

During the sCooler Awards ceremony, Mr. Foo Yi Chyuan, TAR UC Creative Arts academic, who guided and supervised both Graphic and Multimedia students throughout the sCooler Awards art and design competition received a honourary “Lecturer of the Year” Award, while TAR UC Graphic and Multimedia students from Bachelor (Honours) and Diploma programme won an unprecedented number of awards and made it into the limelight for their outstanding achievements:

Idea category:

Best Digital - Burger Stack - Bronze

Nicholas Ng Hwa Ee - Bachelor of Multimedia (Hons) in Multimedia Design

Craft category

Best Art Direction - KREIS - Finalist

Best Typography - The Sagittarius & Co. - Bronze

Best Illustration - Digital - The Adventurer's Journal - Gold

Best Illustration - Digital - What is the Process of Design Student Becoming a True Designer - Silver, andBest Illustration - Digital - 21 Questions Designer Should Ask the Client - Bronze

Best Photography - Twilight - Silver

Best Photography - The Lost Childhood - Bronze

Special category

Best Work Inspired By Current Events - Safe-fie - Gold

Student of the year

Lecturer of the year

Aug 27  

TAR UC Creative Arts Students Won in Blossom Arts Festival Photography Contest

On 27th August 2017, five aspiring young photographers from the TAR UC Faculty of Social Science, Arts and Humanities, Creative Arts programme won fabulous prizes from Canon through their participation of Blossom Arts Festival Malaysia (BAFM) Photography Contest 2017, themed “Love My Family, My Hometown, My Country”, where they attended the prize giving ceremony held at Wisma MCA, Jalan Ampang, Kuala Lumpur.

The BAFM photography contest was correlated as part of the assignment under the course AHCA2423 Applied Photography, conducted by Mr. Royer Wan, a TAR UC Creative Arts Academic, where students were guided through the creative processes, as well as benefited from the gain and exposure of competitive edge of photography through award achievement and academic practices.

Six authentic photographs were carefully selected for the submission of the contest. The Merit prize winner won a Canon PIXMA E470 printer worth RM300 with winningcertificate, while Consolation prizes are Canon PIXMA MG3070S printer worth RM200 with winning certificate. The winners as follows:

Merit Prize

Lim Si Lin

Diploma in Graphic Design, DGD2101


Chan Yean Ee

Diploma in Graphic Design, DGD2101

Consolation Prize

Chan Yean Ee

Diploma in Graphic Design, DGD2101


Ho Seng Lam

Diploma in Graphic Design, DGD2101


Ku Pui Wan

Diploma in Graphic Design, DGD2101


Foo Zhi Chen

Bachelor of Creative Multimedia, RML3301

Sep 12  

TAR UC Creative Arts Students Finalist of Vision Petron National Student Art Competition

Jason Fong Chang Sheng, 2nd year Bachelor of Creative Multimedia (Honours) student group in top 10 finalist for Vision Petron Competition with Ms. Teng Sok Hooi, Associate Dean of Creative Arts. 

On 12th September 2017, a group of 4 aspiring 2nd year Bachelor of Creative Multimedia (Honours) students from TAR UC – FSAH Creative Arts programme, Chong Wen Han, Jason Fong Chang Sheng, Khoo Yih Tong and Cho Lissha, made it into top 10 finalist for the videography category of Vision Petron National Student Art Competition.

This year Petron 2017 theme – Rediscovering Ingenuity of Youth, was set with the aim of highlighting skills and inspirations of Malaysian youth, as the competition benefited students’ in the recognition of their talent and work. 

The prize giving ceremony of Vision Petron was held at the 1 Utama Kuala Lumpur, while the group of 4 and their video project entitled “The Calling” made it into top 10 finalist consolation award among the participation of 14 other universities and colleges nationwide. 

For more information about Vision Petron National Student Art Competition, please visit:

Sep 12  

TAR UC Creative Arts Alumnus Finalist of Nando's Art Initiative Exhibits Artistic Masterpiece

TAR UC’s very own aspiring Creative Arts alumnus Thang Kam Soon with his digital art piece “After Tomorrow” made it into the finalist among 600 over participants nationwide. Thang’s artwork is one of the top 50 pieces selected for the Nando’s Art Initiative Exhibition 2017 held at Publika, Kuala Lumpur, 12th September 2017.

“I would like to thank Nando’s for providing such an amazing platform for artists and designers to be involve in expressing their creative talents. This is my first time participating in such widely held art competition. I did not expect that I could reach this far. It is a good feeling to have my digital artwork displayed at such a grand occasion of the Nando’s Art Initiative Exhibition in Publika. Lastly, I would like to take this opportunity to express my gratitude to TAR University College Creative Arts lecturers because it is with their guidance and encouragement that motivates me in taking up challenges and participate in competitions and thus to continue furthering my passion in creativity,” said Thang.   

Title: After Tomorrow

Rationale: When we were young, we wish to grow up as soon and dream of achieving many great things in life. However, as grownups, we began complaining about the ruthlessness of time, as our candle lights gets dimmer by the seconds while we wish for a reversal of time. And time waits for no man, therefore we should spend each second wisely and learn to live life to the fullest by treasuring every moment the future has to offer, because who knows what the future will become after tomorrow? 


Aug 07  

Creative Arts Student Recognised at ACA World Championships

On 2nd September 2016, Nicholas Ng Hwa Ee, Malaysian ACA Champion, and Creative Arts student from the Tunku Abdul Rahman University College (TAR UC), Faculty of Social Science, Arts & Humanities (FSAH), once again made it into world finalist, awarded second place in the Adobe Certified Associate (ACA) World Championships held in Orlando, Florida on 7th August 2016.

Nicholas Ng, TAR UC-FSAH, Bachelor of Creative Multimedia (Hons) in Multimedia Design student, won silver beating 230,000 contenders worldwide. He was awarded scholarship worth US$2,500, a medal of achievement, certificate of recognition, together with Adobe Creative Cloud programme subscription.

In his winning artwork, Ng portrayed how future generations are able to express themselves creatively through arts and culture with elements containing a Malaysian twist such as the Rafflesia. "I decided to try a different approach designing this flyer as the style I chose required a lot of illustration and drawing. I spent a lot of time drawing and redrawing using Adobe Creative Cloud, especially Adobe Photoshop CC and Adobe Illustrator CC." added Ng.

'Make Creativity Bloom' is the theme for this year’s ACA Championship, participants were given 8 hours to design a digital advertising flyer for the International Child Art Foundation's (ICAF) 6th Arts Olympiad utilising tools from Adobe Creative Cloud. Judging was based on the use of creative ideas and skills as participants were assessed on their capability in applying ICAF's vision and message - equipping students for real world work task.

"I had to put myself in the shoes of the ICAF and immerse myself in the vision and messaging they wanted to epitomise. It was challenging to internalise and develop all of these in 8 hours. However, I kept my cool and did the best that I could. Winning second place was definitely the icing on top of the cake and to be able to do this in the midst of such talented individuals is truly humbling," Ng shared

Complete list of winners from the 2016 World ACA Championships could be viewed at the following link, "Malaysia recognised at World Stage at the 2016 World ACA Championships":

For further reading please click on the following link for TAR UC’s “Historic win in national level Adobe Certified Associate Championship”:

Sep 18  

Alumnus Continues Creative Passion in Nando's Art Competition

Jimmy Teow Hai Way is TAR UC’s very own Creative Arts alumnus. After his graduation from Graphic Design in 2013, Jimmy continues his creative passion by actively taking part in art competitions.

His artwork titled, "What’s Goin-on in My Brain" made it into Nando’s Art: Digital Art category top 3 consolation award among 900 over participants nationwide. Jimmy’s artwork was one of the 50 over pieces selected for display at the Nando’s Art Initiative Exhibition in Publika, Kuala Lumpur on 9th till 18th September 2016.

"I would like to take this opportunity to thank my lecturers at TAR University College, whom had given me much encouragement and confidence. I would continue to participate in competitions, as I expand my designs and concepts production. I wish to strife much effort in this as my blazing passion," said Jimmy Teoh, Alumni of TAR UC Graphic Design, whereby his enthusiasm conveyed his aspiration of seeing more of his juniors and young designers to take part in creative competitions like this.

Digital Artist

Jimmy Teow Hai Way

Title of artwork

What's Goin-on in My Brain


I'm a thinker. I always think a lot - about the future, the past, and sometimes even fantasises. Flashbacks of memories happened in my mind during bed time, sometimes it can be quite tedious but other time it helps me in my design solving. This artwork of mine reveals thoughts in my brain, messy, a lot of stuff, all mixing together. Each characterised monsters portrayed were found in this mind maze that symbolises bits and parts of my fantasies and memories.

Aug 10  

Creative Arts Student Won 1st Prize ACA Championship Malaysia

On 29th of June 2016, Nicholas Ng Hwa Ee, TAR UC-FSAH Creative Arts, Bachelor of Creative Multimedia (Hons) in Multimedia Design student, was awarded championship for the Adobe Certified Associate (ACA) competition Malaysia at the Grand Ballroom of the VE Hotel, Bangsar South City. Nicholas Ng will be representing Malaysia in the ACA World Championship presented by Certiport, Inc. in Orlando, Florida, USA at 7th - 10th August 2016.

"It is important to expose students with external competitions and events. The ACA Championship is a great portal to provide students not only the opportunity to work on industrial brief, but also to compete and test their skills among other institutions across the country, and now, internationally," said Mr. Yong Cheng Fei, TAR UC Creative Arts Lecturer and proud supervisor for the ACA project who was honoured a token of appreciation for his guidance excellence.

"I’ve never thought of winning when I entered this. I enjoyed every competition and take it as a design challenge. I’m very surprise when they announced that I’m the winner," said Nicholas Ng, Multimedia Design Student.

Top 10 Finalist, Wong Jeah Yuin expressed her gratitude on the achievement, "I’m proud of the achievement I had gain in this competition and it has definitely increased my level of confidence. The advice given by our lecturer Mr. Yong and the supports from my classmates has indeed helped me in getting into the top 10 as well as passing the ACA exam and certification," said Wong, 3rd year Multimedia Design student.