Quest Unit 4

Topic 1

Media Balance & Well Being

TPSS will use Common Sense Media as its main guide for our Digital Citizenship Curriculum. Visit the site to create a teacher account to access all of the free materials.  There are also links to resources below for your use in the classroom.

Topic 6

News & Media Literacy

TPSS will use Common Sense Media as its main guide for our Digital Citizenship Curriculum. Visit the site to create a teacher account to access all of the free materials.  There are also links to resources below for your use in the classroom.

The Internet: How Search Works - 5 mins 12secs

Topic 8

Digital Law

Digital law is defined as electronic responsibility for actions and deeds. In other words, digital law refers to what you are and are not allowed to do while using the Internet. Ethical use encompasses all activities on the Internet that abide by the laws of society.

This topic is recommended for Middle and High School students.

Digital Law

Digital Law - 2 mins

Digital Rights and Responsibilities - 3 mins 


Plagiarism is defined as using someone else's thoughts or ideas as your own without properly giving them credit.  Put another way, plagiarism is intellectual theft. 

Oftentimes, plagiarism is intentional.  Other times, it is accidental.  Either way, plagiarizing can have serious consequences, including a failing grade, suspension or even expulsion. 

To avoid plagiarism, you need to understand what it is.  The following videos provide detailed explanations of plagiarism and how to avoid it.

Understanding Plagiarism - 4 min 

Avoiding Plagiarism - 2min 20secs

What is Plagiarism - 3min 25secs 

How to Avoid Plagiarism is 5 Easy Steps - 3min 40secs 

Test Your Knowledge

Play the following games to test your knowledge of plagiarism and proper citation:

- The Plagiarism Game by Lycoming College