A Wild Journey

Beginning a Ph.D. journey can indeed be demanding and challenging, filled with hurdles that test your determination and may sometimes lead to moments of doubt. This path often differs from typical experiences, presenting its own unique set of trials. However, it holds the potential to become one of the most rewarding journeys you'll ever embark upon. Throughout your academic pursuit, you'll engage in the critical exercise of analyzing and evaluating numerous scholarly works. There will be instances when time seems to slip away as you immerse yourself in solitary reflection, contemplating the intricate problems you're determined to solve. It might even prompt introspection as you observe others leading different lives 

I encourage you to please believe in yourself and your abilities- more importantly your persistence.  That is all it matters. This journey will shape you into an individual with a profound understanding of the area of your interest, the capacity to innovate at an accelerated pace, and gives the potential to make a meaningful impact on the life—a feat that might appear insurmountable to most.

In essence, if you have even a glimmer of interest in the pursuit of knowledge, I wholeheartedly encourage you to consider do Ph.D. path. Yes, it is challenging, but it will undoubtedly be a transformative experience, and you certainly attain the power to shape the world. So, embrace the journey, for it holds the promise of unparalleled growth, discovery, and fulfillment. It doesn't really matter where you're at, what we'll become is in our hands and sharpening our brains is probably the best decision we are going to make.