Santosh Ganji, PhD

I am currently a post-doctoral researcher at Texas A&M University working on large language models. I am updating my research at

I consider myself luckiest to have met my Doctoral Advisor, Dr. P. R. Kumar.  He introduced me to the beautiful art of solving the most challenging systems problems in a minimalist way.  I am equally excited and grateful to have defended my thesis with Dr. Paulraj on my committee.

In the past, I developed Cellular Standards for 5G, built IoT wireless networks, and solved some challenging problems in mmWave networks.

I have dedicated quite a lot time in developing deep understanding of machine learning, networked systems and cyber security. 

Recent News: Like every young engineer, I caught the entrepreneurial bug! Nirva Wireless, is born out of my thesis. Please email to discuss more. Our goal is build cost effective mmWave directional systems that can tolerate user mobility and temporary blockage

I do enjoy photography, especially high speed subjects; its intellectually stimulating and requires a lot of hacks and patience: Flickr. Ham Radio: General License: KI5AVL.  I'm in Job Market, Please reach out

Our Work on Catching 4G/5G Cell Site Simulators is in Australian Security News Media,

Please contact us for a demo and to Learn more. 

I worked for more than 200+ sleepless nights trying to find some major loopholes in Cellular Networks Standards and implementations investigating tens of base station hardware, large number of wireless modems, phones what not. I could only find one exploit and a fix :(. Bright side is that I developed expertise, read about a large number of security hacks in electronics, wireless technologies and their implementations. To chat more or work on project, always happy to collaborate. Please send an encrypted email! 

Interested folks may follow some reverse keywords: tesyalpASN, CCC, adx, ffe

Research Interests: My work focuses on developing systems that have good theoretical backing. 

I firmly believe theory we develop should not make strong unrealized assumptions for the sake of it, and at the same time building systems that have no basis are of no use.

My areas of interest are Machine Learning, Communication Networks, and Internet: From Internet of Things to Space Communications, from building prototypes to developing standards for 3GPP, and IEEE.  

mmWave Works! 

Our protocols ensure narrow directional mmWave links maintain high received signal strength,

mmWave Works under blockage too!

Simple algorithms are sufficient to maintain Line of Sight and Non-Line of Sight links 

Fantastic explanation of India's Lunar Landing at IITM 

Key things to watch

Wishing many more successful missions to India and World.

Dr. Henning Schulzirnne's keynote at SIGCOMM'22 on how to transform academic ideas to real implentations. Its a great talk, in short, he recommends researchers to contribute to the networking standards (3GPP, IEEE, POSIX, RFC..), or make our work the gold standard for others to lean on.

Internet has been changing our lives in ways we cannot even imagine. Open and safe information access is a must for everyone who is connected online. I can't think of any better way than constantly educating ourselves. Some blogs I follow in that regard

Crazy enough! just build your own goddamn search engine. Sounds like Tor+IPFS: Veilid is just amazing!

Office: 332B, Wisenbaker Research Centre, TAMU-77843