Deadline:  August 15, 2023 11:59 pm (JST) for in-person participation

                 August 31, 2023 11:59 pm (JST) for live stream participation

IODP NanTroSEIZE Synthesis Workshop- Expeditions 338, 348, 358, 365, and 380

Date: October 2 (Mon) - 4 (Wed), 2023

Location: Yokohama, Japan

Optional post-workshop field trip to Miura Peninsula: Oct 5 (Details to be announced later)

About the workshop

One of the primary goals of IODP NanTroSEIZE and the most recent expedition, Expedition 358, was to reach and sample the plate boundary fault at ~5 km depth below sea floor by extending a deep riser hole at Site C0002. Unfortunately, that objective was not achieved due to technical challenges and difficulties in the drilling operations. Nonetheless, the NanTroSEIZE project has significantly advanced our understanding of the mechanics of earthquakes and faulting at the Nankai Trough and elsewhere, and the scientific ocean drilling endeavor has helped build a vibrant and interdisciplinary subduction zone earthquake research community.

The workshop focuses on two topics: (1) deep riser drilling at Site C0002 and (2) observatory installation and drilling in the shallow portions of the accretionary prism. These two specific topics were chosen based on the objectives and outcomes of the recent NanTroSEIZE expeditions over the last ten years (i.e., Expeditions 338, 348, 358, 365, and 380). Expeditions 338, 348, and 358 had a common primary objective of targeting the plate boundary fault by deepening Site C0002 (Workshop topic 1). Expeditions 365 and 380 successfully installed observatories at Sites C0010 and C0006, and Expeditions 338 and 358 conducted non-riser coring and logging as contingency operations (Workshop topic 2).

The goals of this workshop are:

(1)   to highlight and synthesize the scientific outcomes and technological advances from recent NanTroSEIZE expeditions that have advanced our understanding of the mechanics of earthquakes and slip behaviors along thrust plate boundary faults;

(2)   to facilitate synthesis and integration of the datasets and results produced by multidisciplinary groups across the subduction margin; and

(3)   to document lessons learned from the NanTroSEIZE project for future drilling projects in this and other subduction zones, as well as any future riser drilling efforts in other environments.

The workshop will be held in Yokohama, Japan on Oct 2-4 with an optional field trip. The workshop has plenary sessions, poster sessions, and breakout sessions (See Schedule). Each workshop participant is asked to bring a poster on his/her research related to the NanTroSEIZE and give an optional pop-up talk about their poster during the plenary sessions. If you are interested in participating in the workshop in person, please submit an application form by August 15 (Tue) at 11:59 pm Japan standard time (JST). Several plenary talks will be selected based on the applications. To meet the workshop goals, the selection priority of workshop participants will be given to those who have conducted research using the NanTroSEIZE data and/or samples

The plenary sessions will be live-streamed. If you are interested in viewing the presentations in plenary sessions on the live stream, please also submit an application form. The application for online participation will be open until August 31 (Fri) at 11:59 pm Japan standard time (JST)

Organizing Committee

Armin Dielforder (University of Hannover, Germany)

Asuka Yamaguchi (University of Tokyo, Japan)

Brian Boston (Auburn University)

Christine Regalla (Northern Arizona University)

Demian Saffer (University of Texas Institute for Geophysics)

Gaku Kimura (JAMSTEC, Japan)

Harold Tobin (University of Washington)

Hiroko Kitajima (Texas A&M University)

Kyuichi Kanagawa (Chiba University, Japan)

Mari Hamahashi (Yamaguchi University, Japan)

Masataka Kinoshita (University of Tokyo, Japan)

Matt Ikari (MARUM, Germany)

Pauline Cornard (University of Innsbruck, Austria)

Takehiro Hirose (JAMSTEC, Japan)

Yohei Hamada (JAMSTEC, Japan)