Archana Bura

Hello, I am a post doctoral scholar at University of California San Diego, in the Wireless Communications, Systems and Networking group, hosted by Prof. Dinesh Bharadia. I hold a Ph.D degree from Computer Engineering and Systems Group in Electrical and Computer Engineering Department at Texas A&M University, College Station. I was jointly advised by Prof. Srinivas Shakkottai, Dr. Dileep Kalathil and Prof. J-F-Chamberland. My research work lies in the intersection of the algorithms and theory of reinforcement learning, with application to Wireless networks. I worked as a Mobile Networking Research Co-Op at Nokia Bell Labs in Fall 2022.

I obtained Masters in Engineering degree from Electrical and Computer Engineering Department at Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru. My thesis was supervised by Prof. Vinod Sharma. Prior to joining the PhD program, I worked as a Research Assistant at ECE Department, Indian Institute of science, with Prof. Parimal Parag. Prior to that, I also worked for Samsung R&D Institute, Bengaluru. 


331A, Wisenbaker Engineering Building, Texas A&M University, College Station

Email: archanabura [AT] tamu [DOT] edu

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