Summer Programs

Summer is the perfect time for activities that will strengthen your resume and motivate you to get involved in something.  Explore your interests and find out (or confirm) what you are passionate about.  Many summer programs have application processes and some require letters of recommendation, so begin looking early.


The College & Career Center receives information throughout the year regarding a variety of summer programs and these will be shared with the AWHS community as they arrive. 

Click here to access that information!


Students and parents are also welcome to visit the College & Career Center in order to look through files containing brochures on different summer programs. Here is a link to a Google Sheet that catalogs all of the materials included in the College & Career Center files: summer opportunities

Another resource is TeenLife -a leading source for college preparation with summer programs, gap year programs, community service, and more.


Lastly, check out more extra curricular activities at the UC schools here!

This website allows you to filter by organization type:

Tam CCC Summer Opportunities List - 2023

The information above was shared by the Tam HS College & Career Specialist. The information below was shared by the Redwood HS College & Career Specialist: