What is Naviance Student?
Naviance Student is a web-based service designed especially for students and parents. By using Naviance, you have access to career interest inventories, college data, college research, scholarships, resume building and a variety of other services.
Naviance also lets us share information with you about upcoming meetings and events, local scholarship opportunities, and other resources for college and career information.
Every student has their own Naviance account, and it is automatically activated when they start at AWHS. Here are the steps for students to log in:
Go to this page
Click on the Student icon
Put in our school's zip code if prompted (94960)
Choose Archie Williams High School if applicable
Click the green button entitled "Continue with Single Sign On"
Use your Tam District email address and password
Parents also have access to an account, but there are steps they need to take in order to register it. New parents should follow the steps below:
Whereas student accounts are automatically registered when they start at AWHS, parents have to manually activate their accounts.
Go to this page and click the link at the bottom that says "I'm new and need to register"
Enter your individual registration code that you received in the introductory email from Lisa Neumaier
The counselors have developed a list of tasks for each grade level so students can understand themselves better, gather information and create lists to help them prepare for life after high school:
Grade 9 Tasks
Complete Strengths Explorer
Complete Career Cluster Finder
Complete AchieveWorks Learning & Productivity (fka Learning Style Inventory 2.0)
Grade 10 Tasks
Complete AchieveWorks Personality (fka Do What You Are 2.0)
Complete Career Interest Profiler
Add Careers to my List
Complete Super Match College Search or Advanced College Search
Build Resume
Grade 11 Tasks
Continue to add to Resume
Add Colleges to the Colleges I'm Thinking About list (5-8 colleges)
Scholarship Search
Complete Super Match College Search or Advanced College Search
Complete MI Advantage 2.0
Attend College Visits
Grade 12 Tasks
Continue to add to Resume
Attend College Visits
Scholarship Search
Add Colleges to the Colleges I'm Applying To list
Complete Senior Survey (more information will be sent to senior class in the spring)
How to Access the List of Scholarships on Naviance:
The College & Career Specialist regularly receives information about local, regional, and national scholarships and keeps this information on Naviance. Although most of the scholarships are for seniors, there are some for other grade levels, so all students are encouraged to look at this list.
To find it, you must be logged in to your Naviance account. Click on the Colleges tab, then from the Scholarship and Money heading, pick Scholarship Search.
To see if you are eligible for each one, click on the Full Details button and scroll down to read the Description. Read it in its entirety as it will tell you the criteria and how to apply if the application is not linked to the posting.
Some are even available for college students, so you can continue to use Naviance after your high school graduation. Happy Scholarship Searching!