Guidance Team

Tak Oi Secondary School

The aim of Guidance Team is to encourage students’ academic, social, emotional and personal development. To achieve this aim, guidance teachers and school social workers work together to help students to understand themselves and their needs, to solve their problems, to make realistic decisions, to improve their abilities and skills, and to adjust themselves and their environment in a healthy way. Our Team helps students improve themselves in all areas and be full-functioning individuals.


Care and Support Services for S6 students


Please click the following link for the Mindfulness Exercises:

(1334) [抗疫時不忘照顧心靈] 系列 - YouTube


賽馬會平行心間計劃單張 (3).pdf

Tips On Being Joyful At School

6_march_Coolminds_coronavirus_booklet_1_6.01 (1).pdf

Mental Health Hotlines and Online Support

開學輔導服務及資訊_香港青年協會 (1).pdf


Care and Support Services for S6 students

準備考DSE 嘅同學有無因為就快考試而覺得好大壓力?





Plant Jamming Terrarium Workshop

Since there had been scientifically proven by many sources that Terrariums, or plants, play a crucial role in improving mental health, Guidance Team joined the programme “Plant Jamming Terrarium Workshop” co-organized by The Boys' & Girls' Clubs Association of Hong Kong and LevelMind at JC in April 2021. 17 S1 and 14 S2 students attended the workshops on 20th Apr and 21st Apr respectively. In the workshop, students created a “Dream World” in their own glass ball. The terrarium was fully handcrafted which contained a small very realistic down-sized scene. It showed students’ creativity and personality.

You Have All Our Blessings 12 Mar 2021

Today is the last school day of our S6 schoolmates. The Guidance Team has prepared an MC pencil as a gift for each of our S6 students. We hope to send our love and best wishes to them, hoping that they will get good results in the exams.

S6 Stress Management Workshop - Pastel Nagomi Art

Pastel Nagomi Art is a form of healing art founded in Japan, which uses soft pastels to create gentle, warm and heart-touching art through simple and unique ways of painting. Our school social worker, Miss Gemma Wong, had held Pastel Nagomi Art Workshop for S6 students from Oct to Nov 2020. She guided S6 students through the whole journey on how they used their fingers and pastels to create a masterpiece of their own while relieving their tensions from studying. The workshop offered our S6 students a precious experience to express their uniqueness and taste the serenity out of their busy school life. It also helped our S6 students restore confidence, free their mind, reduce stress and uplift their emotions.

S6 Mindful Yoga lessons

Guidance Team cooperated with PE Department to arranged two double PE lessons for S6 Mindful Yoga. S6 Yoga lessons were conducted from Oct to Nov 2020. The tutor instructed the students to make a goal to keep their attention on their breath and body throughout their mindful yoga practice. It helped our S6 students relieve stress and anxiety and release tension from their body.


S1 Board Games

DIY Workshops