
Sing Yin Pioneers




Sing Yin Pioneers is a group of students who care about the school and the community. At school, the Pioneers spend time with F.1 students and help them adapt to the new environment. Outside the classroom, the Pioneers are involved in various kinds of voluntary work and offer help to the needy.

目的 Aims

1.  協助同學認識自己,明白自我價值,積極健康地生活

To help students understand their self-worth and lead a healthy life.

2.  讓同學了解同儕相處之道,培養同學的同理心

To help students improve their interpersonal skills and develop a sense of empathy.

3.  透過籌組活動,訓練同學的溝通技巧和領導能力,加強同學的責任感及自信心

To train students’ communication skills and leadership skills, and strengthen their sense of responsibility and confidence by organising activities.

4.  透過參與義工活動,擴闊同學的視野,主動地為有需要的人伸出援手

To broaden students’ horizons and develop a willingness to help by participating in voluntary work.


Sing Yin Pioneers
