Ms. Boice's 4th Grade


Class overview

Welcome to the exciting world of fourth grade at MHR! In this class, we will embark on a journey of discovery and growth as we delve into various subjects, foster critical thinking, and develop important life skills. Our classroom is a place of curiosity, creativity, and collaboration, where every student's unique abilities are celebrated.

Learning Objectives:

Our classroom will be a vibrant and welcoming space, filled with books, art, and a sense of community. We will have class projects! So, get excited for projects that allow you to apply what you've learned! 

I'm excited for you to join me for a year filled with exploration, growth, and fun. I can't wait to learn and discover together!


  Our 4TH GRADE Class



A letter from me...

Dear students,

 As we approach the upcoming year, I am eagerly anticipating the learning and growth that awaits us. Before we begin, I'd like to take a moment to share more about myself and why I chose to become a teacher.

 From a young age, I discovered a strong passion for helping and advocating for children, particularly when it comes to understanding their unique learning needs. Witnessing the "aha!" moments that come with grasping a new concept or conquering a challenge fills me with immense joy. These experiences significantly influenced my decision to become a teacher.

 As an educator, my truest fulfillment comes from supporting and guiding you on your educational journey. I firmly believe that each of you possesses an incredible potential that is waiting to be unlocked. My goal is to foster a classroom environment where your strengths are celebrated, and your individuality is not only accepted but embraced. I want you to feel empowered, valued, and excited about learning every day.

 In the upcoming semester, I am particularly excited about two subjects that we will explore together. First, our adventure into geometry will take us through the world of shapes, angles, and spatial relationships. These concepts not only enhance your mathematical skills but also encourage you to think critically and solve problems effectively.

 Second, get ready for an exciting journey into history and social studies. We will delve into fascinating stories of the past, exploring different cultures, historical events, and the foundations of our society. I can't wait to see your eyes light up as we travel back in time together.

 Our classroom is a safe haven where questions are encouraged, ideas are celebrated, and your growth remains my top priority. Together, we are about to embark on a journey of discovery and learning, and I'm eager to celebrate each achievement along the way.

 Looking forward to a fantastic semester ahead!


Ms. Boice

 Your 4th Grade Teacher