Academic and Career Guidance Content

What is Academic and Career Guidance Content (ACGC)?

Academic and Career Guidance Content is mandatory content for all students in Quebec from Grade 5 to Secondary V. It explicitly addresses the QEP's Broad Area of Learning "Career Planning and Entrepreneurship" by focusing on the themes "Self-Knowledge", "Knowledge of the World of School" and "Knowledge of the World of Work" as a continuum over the course of seven school years.

Studies show that students who are exposed to content of this nature throughout their academic career have increased academic motivation, as reflected by an increase in engagement and perseverance. (ACGC Implementation Guide, MEES, 2016)

Continuum with Links_2022_04_05.pdf

Linking to the Curriculum:

Academic and Career Guidance Content is an excellent topic for discussion that can enliven the established curriculum in many subjects. This content is intended to be a foundation upon which the competencies of a subject can be developed by students. Rather than being a stand alone topic, ACGC works best when it is infused into every aspect of the lesson. Evaluation of the talk competency in ELA, FLS or ERC can, for example, be centered on: a discussion between students focused on Social Influences; a presentation on Occupations of People in the Community; or a debate about the relative merits of elementary versus high school. An Art project in which the student develops a portrait of himself/herself could be evaluated based on criteria that align the with the competency "Produce media works in the visual arts."