Third Space

Third Space

Grades:  11/12 Elective Credit: 1/2 credit

Third Space English is a rigorous one-semester high school English elective that was developed in collaboration between Columbus State Community College English faculty and Central Ohio English-Language Arts faculty. This course is explicitly a preparatory course for English 1100, Columbus State’s first class in the Composition sequence. In fact, the workload for students mirrors the workload of English 1100, though assignments are generally shorter. Students from your district who pass Third Space English with an A, B, or C are automatically qualified to take English 1100 as a College Credit Plus student.

Why Third Space English?

Placement into English 1100 is a gateway for many other college classes at Columbus State. Third Space English can help shore up a student’s writing skills before they participate in College Credit Plus. As well, students are introduced to culturally relevant College-level curriculum.

Who should take Third Space English?

A Student Who:

WHS Third Space