AP Physics

Term: Year

Prerequisites: No prior course work in Physics is necessary. It is recommended that students have successfully completed

Algebra II before taking this course, but can be concurrently enrolled in Algebra II

Credit: 1

Grade: 11, 12

Fee: Cost of AP exam; a TI-83/84 family graphing calculator highly recommended.

Content is consistent with College Entrance Board Physics I Test. This is a first semester college-level course in algebra-

based Physics, but designed to be taught over a full academic year. Physics is especially important for those planning

to go into architecture, engineering, or the sciences. For students planning on careers in the sciences, this is the

suggested first physics course. Because of the emphasis on logical problem solving, this course is recommended for

students planning a career in medicine. This course covers Newtonian mechanics (including rotational dynamics and

angular momentum), work, energy, power, mechanical waves and sound with an introduction to electric circuits. Grades

are weighted. The instructor may require summer readings and assignments. Although this course includes the basic

use of trigometric functions, this understanding can be gained either in the concurrent math course or in the AP Physics

I course itself.