English III

Term: Year

Prerequisites: Completion of English II

Credit: 1

Fee: None

Grade: 11

Ohio’s Learning Standards in grade 11 call for students to be able to understand and analyze substantive, complex

expository works of literary nonfiction as well as a diverse spectrum of stories, poems, plays, and novels. Students will

produce ample amounts of evidence to support inferences. Students will perform a variety of complex reading tasks

focused on recurrent themes in American literature and foundational works of American political philosophy, from

grasping the subtleties of an author’s point of view to perceiving when a text leaves matters ambiguous. Students will

become skilled at determining how multiple themes or ideas combine and intertwine to produce a complex narrative or

explanation as well as evaluate the premises, arguments, and rhetoric present in seminal texts from American history.

This course will prepare students for college and careers. Students will demonstrate their listening skills by synthesizing

the comments and claims of others and exercising outstanding teamwork when functioning in groups. Students will

respond thoughtfully when encountering diverse perspectives will present findings both orally and in writing. Students

will excel at making oral and written arguments that are logical and well-reasoned, objectively assessing the evidence

on all sides of an issue. Students will possess the fluency, flexibility, and focus to produce high-quality drafts under tight

deadlines and be equally proficient at editing and revising their written work (over multiple drafts if needed).